태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#암/#장/#건강 검진 관련/#내시경/#마취 본문
• stomach cancer
: • 위암
• pancreatic cancer /ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk/
: • 췌장암
• liver cancer
: • 간암
• colon cancer /ˈkəʊlən/
• colorectal cancer /ˌkoʊ.ləˈrek.təl/
: • 대장암
• colorectal /ˌkoʊ.ləˈrek.təl/
-relating to the colon (= the large bowel) and the (= rectum) (= the last section of the large bowel): - 캠브릿지
-relating to or affecting the colon and the rectum - 메리엄 웹스터
colorectal cancer/surgery
• internal organs: 내장
• small intestine / intéstin / : 소장
• large intestine: 대장
• intestine /ɪnˈtestɪn/: 주로 복수로. 사람 장, 창자
• tripe /traɪp/
1-the lining of a cow’s or pig’s stomach, eaten as food
: 소 내장, 돼지 내장
: 양(음식 재료로 쓰이는, 소·돼지의 위의 안쪽 부분)
tripe and onions
• rectum
: 직장; 의학. 큰창자 가운데 구불잘록창자와 항문 사이 부분. 길이는 약 12cm이며 이름과 같이 곧지 않다.
• bowel /ˈbaʊəl/
1-[countable, usually plural] the tube along which food passes after it has been through the stomach, especially the end where waste is collected before it is passed out of the body
: C, 주로 복수로 창자, 장
(medical) to empty/move/open your bowels (= to pass solid waste out of the body)
장을 비우다[배변을 하다]
bowel cancer/cancer of the bowel
Patients are asked to report any change in bowel habit.
irritable bowel syndrome
• irritable bowel syndrome /ˌɪrɪtəbl ˈbaʊəl sɪndrəʊm/
(abbreviation IBS)
-a condition of the bowels that causes pain and diarrhoea or constipation, often caused by stress or worry
: U 과민성 대장 증후군
#건강 검진 관련
• Medical check-ups
• Medical examination
: 건강 검진
• endoscope /ˈendəskəʊp/
-an instrument used in medical operations that consists of a very small camera on a long thin tube that can be put into a person’s body so that the parts inside can be seen
: 내시경
• endoscopy /enˈdɑːskəpi/
[countable, uncountable]
(plural endoscopies)
-a medical operation in which an endoscope is put into a person’s body so that the parts inside can be seen
-a medical examination of a hollow organ of the body - 캠브릿지
-an examination by means of an endoscope. - 딕셔너리
-Endoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to view the inside of a person's body.
: 내시경술
*get an endoscopy
He's getting an endoscopy.
그는 내시경 검사를 받고 있다.
• endoscopic examination /ˌen.doʊˈskɑːp.ɪk/
: 내시경 검사
He's getting an endoscopic examination.
그는 내시경 검사를 받고 있다.
• endoscopic camera
: 내시경 카메라
• in-depth test
: 정밀검사
• colonoscope /koʊˈlɑː.nə.skoʊp/ (캠), /koʊˈlɒn əˌskoʊp/ (딕), /kō-ˈlä-nə-ˌskōp/ (메웹)
-a device consisting of a long tube with a light inside that is used to examine the colon (= the lower part of the tube that takes solid waste out of your body) - 캠브릿지
-a flexible, lighted, tubular instrument using fiber optics to permit visualization of the colon. - 딕셔너리
: 결장경(鏡)
결장경이라는 길고 유연한 관.
결장경은 끝에 카메라와 조명이 있어 의사가 결장의 내벽을 검사할 수 있다.
(출처: https://www.a-m.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=604736)
• colonoscopy /ˌkōləˈnäskəpē/ (옥) , /ˌkoʊ.ləˈnɑː.skə.pi/ (캠), /ˌkoʊ ləˈnɒs kə pi/ (딕), /ˌkō-lə-ˈnä-skə-pē/ (메웹)
-a medical examination of the colon (= the lower part of the tube that takes solid waste out of your body) - 캠브릿지
-visual inspection of the interior of the colon with a flexible, lighted tube inserted through the rectum. - 딕셔너리
: 결장경 검사(법), 대장 내시경술
• gastroscope /ˈɡæs.trə.skoʊp/ (캠), / ˈgæs trəˌskoʊp / (딕), /ˈga-strə-ˌskōp/ (메웹)
-a long, thin medical device that is used to examine the inside of the stomach: - 캠브릿지
-a lighted flexible tubular instrument passed through the mouth for examining the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. - 딕셔너리
: 의학. 위경(胃鏡), 위내시경(胃內視鏡)
A special instrument called a gastroscope is put in the mouth and passed down into the stomach.
The gastroscope is fitted with a tiny camera that allows the doctor to see the stomach lining.
• gastroscopy /ɡæs.ˈtrɑː.skə.pi/ (캠), / gæˈstrɒs kə pi / (딕), /ga-ˈsträ-skə-pē/ (메웹)
-a medical examination of the inside of the stomach and part of the small intestine (= the upper part of the bowels between the stomach and the large intestine) using a gastroscope (= a long, thin medical device with a light and camera): - 캠브릿지
-the examination with a gastroscope to detect disease. - 딕셔너리
: 위 내시경술
A gastroscopy showed duodenal ulcers.
The patients all underwent routine diagnostic gastroscopy.
• sleep anaesthesia
• sleep anesthesia
: 수면 마취
What should we do to feel less pain? Sleep anesthesia is not good?
어떻게 하면 덜 아픈가요? 수면 마취는 안 좋나요?
• anaesthesia /ˌæn.əsˈθiː.zi.ə/ : 마취
• anesthesia
• general anaesthesia : 전신 마취
= • general anesthesia: 전신 마취
• local anaesthesia : 국소 마취
• local anesthesia
=• topical anaesthesia
=• topical anesthesia
=• regional anaesthesia
=• regional anesthesia
#공복 혈당
• fast
• go on a fast
: 금식하다
• fasting blood sugar level
• fasting blood glucose level
: 공복 혈당
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