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#자개 #나전칠기 본문

영어/영어 용법·표현

#자개 #나전칠기

태뽕이 2024. 4. 26. 01:24

#자개 #나전칠기

• Mother of Pearl Lacquerware

= • najeonchilgi

: 나전칠기



• Mother of pearl  /ˌmʌð.ɚ.əvˈpɝːl/

= • nacre /ˈneɪ.kər/

-a smooth, hard substance forming a layer inside the shells of some sea creatures. It is white but also seems to shine with different colours, and is used to make buttons and for decoration. - 캠브릿지

-Mother of Pearl, also called nacre, is a naturally occurring material that is found in seashells. You can usually see it exposed on the inside of shells and sometimes on the outside, though in this case it’s usually covered with a camouflage layer. In Korea, the Mother of Pearl that is used to create the beautiful inlaid lacquered pieces comes from abalone shells. These pieces are called ‘najeonchilgi’ in Korean, with ‘najeon’ meaning ‘Mother of Pearl’, and ‘chilgi’ meaning ‘lacquerware’.

*출처: https://www.pinpointkorea.com/korea-mother-of-pearl/

: 자개



• lacquerware /ˈlæk.ɚ.wer/

-objects made from wood or metal that has a hard, shiny, decorative surface from having been painted with a special liquid called lacquer:

: 칠기(류)


She has a large collection of Japanese lacquerware.

I ordered a glass of green tea and admired the lacquerware furniture.



• 나전

: 공예. 광채가 나는 자개 조각을 여러 가지 모양으로 박아 넣거나 붙여서 장식하는 공예 기법.



• 칠기

2: 옻칠과 같이 검은 잿물을 입혀 만든 도자기.


#자개 #나전칠기.docx


