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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

에이, 이게 원래 너지; 니가 그렇지 뭐; 참~ 너답다: Typical of you. 본문

영어/영어 용법·표현

에이, 이게 원래 너지; 니가 그렇지 뭐; 참~ 너답다: Typical of you.

태뽕이 2024. 7. 28. 18:08


Happy birthday to your daughter.


          I would tell my daughter you said that but she wouldn’t understand


I am sorry for such late responses.


에이, 이게 원래 너지; 니가 그렇지 뭐.

Typical of you.


이것에(네가 우리한테 늦게 답장하는 것) 우리 적응되어 있어.

We are used to it.





I just finished eating a late dinner.


           What did you have?

           Something that would make me jealous???


Probably not. It was just 된장찌개 and some side dishes. Nothing fancy.


           This is not typical of you.


It’s very typical when my mom’s in town.





그녀가 방금 전화 와서 또 약속을 취소했어. 항상 임박해서 이렇게 (취소)해. 정말 그녀다운 행동이야.


She just called and canceled again. She always does this at the very last minute. That is so typical of her.

