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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)

영어/영어 용법·표현

[유의어] reason / explanation* / grounds / basis / excuse / motive / need* / justification / cause* / pretext

태뽕이 2025. 1. 14. 10:05


• reason • explanation* • grounds • basis • excuse • motive • justification • pretext

These are all words for a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done.




• reason a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done; a fact that makes it right or fair to do something:


He said no but he didn’t give a reason.


• explanation a statement, fact or situation that tells you why something has happened; a reason given for something:


The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.

She left the room abruptly without explanation.


• grounds (rather formal) a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing something:


You have no grounds for complaint.


• basis (rather formal) the reason why people take a particular action:

On what basis will this decision be made?


• excuse a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend your behaviour; a good reason that you give for doing something that you want to do for other reasons:


Late again! What’s your excuse this time?

It gave me an excuse to take the car.


• motive a reason that explains somebody’s behaviour:

There seemed to be no motive for the murder.


• justification (rather formal) a good reason why something exists or is done:

I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.


• pretext (rather formal) a false reason that you give for doing something, usually something bad, in order to hide the real reason:

He left the party early on the pretext of having to work.




*justification or grounds?

• Justification is used to talk about finding or understanding reasons for actions, or trying to explain why it is a good idea to do something. It is often used with words like little, no, some, every, without, and not any.


• Grounds is used more for talking about reasons that already exist, or that have already been decided, for example by law:


moral/economic grounds.





(a/an) reason/explanation/grounds/basis/excuse/motive/justification/pretext for something

the reason/motive behind something

on the grounds/basis/pretext of/that…

(a) good/valid reason/explanation/grounds/excuse/motive/justification









reason / grounds / basis / excuse / motive / need* / justification / cause* / pretext

이 단어들은 모두 어떤 일이 발생한, 또는 누군가가 어떤 일을 한, 이유를 나타낸다.



• reason 이유, 까닭, 사유:


He said no but he didn’t give a reason.

그는 싫다고 했지만 이유는 말하지 않았다.


grounds (비교적 격식) ~의 (타당한 또는 진짜) 이유:


You have no grounds for complaint.

넌 불평할 이유가 없다.


• excuse 변명, 이유; 구실, 핑계거리:


Late again! What’s your excuse this time?

또 지각이야! 이번엔 무슨 변명을 댈 거니?

It gave me an excuse to take the car.

그것은 내가 차를 가져갈 좋은 핑계거리가 되어 주었다.


• motive 동기, 이유:


There seemed to be no motive for the murder.

그 살인에는 아무런 동기가 없는 것 같았다.


• need (보통 부정문에 쓰임) 필요:


There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.

네가 내일은 일찍 일어날 필요가 없어.


• justification (비교적 격식) 타당한[정당한] 이유:


I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.

나는 세금을 추가 인상할 하등의 타당한 이유를 모르겠다.




cause (비교적 격식) (특정한 감정이나 행동의) 이유:

There is no cause for alarm.

놀랄 이유가 없다.


pretext (비교적 격식) 구실, 핑계:

He left the party early on the pretext of having to work.

그는 할 일이 있다는 핑계를 대고 파티를 일찍 떠났다.




*justification or grounds?

◇ justification은 어떤 행동의 이유를 알아내거나 이해하는 것과 관련된 말을 할 때, 또는 무엇을 하는 것이 왜 좋은 생각인지를 설명하려고 할 때 쓴다. 이것은 흔히 little, no, some, every, without, not any와 같은 단어들과 함께 쓰인다.


◇ grounds는 이미 존재하는 것이나, 예를 들어 법률에 의한 것과 같이, 이미 결정된 것의 이유에 대해 말할 때 쓰인다:


moral / economic grounds

도덕적 / 경제적 이유.




*문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말

(a / an) reason / grounds / excuse / motive / need / justification / cause / pretext for sth: ~의 이유

the reason / motive behind sth: ~뒤에 숨은 이유 / 동기

on the grounds / pretext of / that…: …라는 이유[핑계]로

(a) good / valid reason / grounds / excuse / motive / justification / cause: 좋은 / 타당한 이유

the main / primary reason / grounds / excuse / motive / justification / cause: 주된 / 기본적인 이유




유의어; reason explanation* grounds basis excuse motive need* justification cause* pretext.docx

