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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

• see 9번 의미 용법 - 옥스포드 본문

영어/영어 용법·표현

• see 9번 의미 용법 - 옥스포드

태뽕이 2021. 6. 26. 17:37

• see

[intransitive, transitive]

9-(not usually used in the progressive tenses) to understand something

: [보통 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 알다, 이해하다

*see something

*see (that)…

*see what, why, etc…


‘It opens like this.’ ‘Oh, I see.’                                                                                                             

“이건 이렇게 열려.” “아, 알겠어.”


He didn't see the joke.    

그는 그것을 농담으로 알지[이해하지] 않았다.


I don't think she saw the point of the story.

내 생각에는 그녀가 그 이야기의 요점을 이해하지 못한 것 같다.


He changed the way we see the world around us.

to see a/the need for something

I see no need to involve the law.


I can see both sides of the argument.  

나는 그 언쟁을 벌이는 양 쪽이 다 이해가 간다.


They saw nothing wrong with having three cars.


Make Lydia see reason (= be sensible), will you?

리디아에게 분별 있게 행동하도록 해 줘, 응?


Can’t you see (that) he’s taking advantage of you?   
그가 널 이용해 먹고 있다는 걸 넌 모르겠니?


I don't see that it matters what Josh thinks.             

난 조쉬의 생각이 중요하다는 게 이해가 안 돼.


 ‘It's broken.’ ‘Oh yes, I see what you mean.’       

“그건 깨졌어.” “아, 그렇구나. 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어.”


‘Can we go swimming?’ ‘I don't see why not (= yes, you can).’ 

“우리 수영하러 갈 수 있을까?” “그러지 못할 이유가 없지.”


They will be able to see what really happened there.

I can see why you were so angry about it.

I don't see why she should get more money than the others.

I fail to see how this idea will help anyone.

It is difficult to see how to get around this problem.

He doesn't see how important this is.

I don't quite see what he's getting at.

I don't think she saw the point of the story.





[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]

understand/realize something의 의미인 경우

*동사 + see

• can | cannot, do not | be easy to | be difficult to, be hard to | fail to


I can see why you were so angry about it.

I don't see why she should get more money than the others.

It is difficult to see how to get around this problem.

I fail to see how this idea will help anyone.




※ 유의어

understand / see / get / follow / grasp / comprehend

These words all mean to know or realize something, for example why something happens, how something works or what something means.



• understand to know or realize the meaning of words, a language, what somebody says, etc; to know or realize how or why something happens, how it works or why it is important:


I don’t understand the instructions.

Doctors still don’t understand much about the disease.



• see to understand what is happening, what somebody is saying, how something works or how important something is:


‘It opens like this.’ ‘Oh, I see.’

Oh yes, I see what you mean.



• get (informal) to understand a joke, what somebody is trying to tell you, or a situation that they are trying to describe:


She didn’t get the joke.

I don’t get you.



• follow to understand an explanation, a story or the meaning of something:


Sorry—I don’t quite follow.

The plot is almost impossible to follow.



• grasp to come to understand a fact, an idea or how to do something:


They failed to grasp the importance of his words.



• comprehend (often used in negative statements) (formal) to understand a fact, idea or reason:


The concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend.』



『understand or grasp?

You can use understand or grasp for the action of realizing the meaning or importance of something for the first time:


It’s a difficult concept for children to understand/grasp.


Only understand can be used to talk about languages, words or writing:


I don’t grasp French/the instructions.




• to understand/see/get/follow/grasp/comprehend what/why/how…

• to understand/see/grasp/comprehend that…

• to understand/see/get/grasp the point/idea (of something)

• to be easy/difficult/hard to understand/see/follow/grasp/comprehend

• to fully understand/see/grasp/comprehend something




이 단어들은 모두 무엇을 깨닫거나 알게 됨을 나타낸다.

• understand (남의 말ㆍ단어의 의미ㆍ언어 등을) 이해하다, 알아듣다, 알다:


I don’t understand the instructions.                                                                                                            난 이 사용 설명서가 이해가 안 된다.

Doctors still don’t understand much about the disease.                                                  

의사들은 아직도 그 질병에 대해 많이 이해하고[알고] 있지 못하다.



• see 알다, 이해하다:


‘It opens like this.’ 

"이건 이렇게 열려."


‘Oh, I see.’   

"아, 알겠어."


Oh yes, I see what you mean.

"아 그렇군요. 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어요."



• get (비격식) 이해하다:


She didn’t get the joke.      

그녀는 그 농담을 이해하지[알아듣지] 못했다.


I don’t get you. 

난 네가[네 말이] 이해가 안 돼.



• follow 이해하다, (내용을) 따라잡다:


Sorry—I don’t quite follow. 

미안하지만, 전 제대로 이해가 안 돼요.


The plot is almost impossible to follow.

그 줄거리는 (너무 복잡해서) 따라잡기가 거의 불가능하다.



• grasp 완전히 이해하다, 파악하다:


They failed to grasp the importance of his words. 

그들이 그가 하는 말의 중요성을 완전히 이해하지는 못했다.



comprehend (종종 부정의 평서문에 쓰임) (격식) (충분히) 이해하다:

The concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend. 

무한성의 개념은 인간의 마음으로는 이해하는 것이 거의 불가능하다.



『understand or grasp?

◇ 무엇의 의미나 중요성을 처음으로 이해하게 되는 것을 나타낼 때는 understand나 grasp을 쓸 수 있다:


It’s a difficult concept for children to understand / grasp.

그것은 아이들이 이해하기 힘든 개념이다.


◇ 언어, 단어들, 글의 의미를 이해하는 것에 대해서는 understand만 쓸 수 있다:


I don’t grasp French / the instructions.



문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말

• to understand / see / get / follow / grasp / comprehend what / why / how…

: 무엇이 / 왜 / 어떻게 …인지를 이해하다


 to understand / see / grasp / comprehend that…

: …임을 이해하다


 to understand / see / get / grasp the point / idea (of something):

(~의[~이라는]) 요점 / 생각을 이해하다


 to be easy / difficult / hard to understand / see / follow / grasp / comprehend: 

이해하기 쉽다 / 어렵다 / 힘들다


 to fully / completely understand / see / grasp / comprehend something: 

~을 완전히 이해하다
