관리 메뉴

태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

03일차. Ch06_047_1 - Page 438 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/01: Speaking

03일차. Ch06_047_1 - Page 438

태뽕이 2022. 2. 24. 23:25

• in the cool of the morning: 신선한 아침에


• land is sleeping: 땅이 쉬고 있는 중이다; 활동하고 있지 않는 중이다.


• labor intensive: 노동 집약적인


• lay: 놓다, 두다


• prepare the soil for seeding: 씨 뿌리기에 적합하도록 땅을 개간하다; 씨를 뿌리기 위해 밭을 일구다.


• water line: 수도관


• midday: (하루 중) 정오, 한낮


• retreat from: ~로부터 벗어나다. 

= move away from


• on-going: 계속되는

= continuing 


• well into the evening: 줄곧 저녁까지


• finish off: ~을 다 마치다.


• call it quits: 끝내다

• call it quits for the day: 하루 일과를 끝내다.

= decide to quit for the day


• well deserved: 충분히 자격이 있는



Most farmers get up in the cool of the morning, when the land is still sleeping.

~ since their day will be very long and labor-intensive. 

~, the next tasks lay outside. 

Whether it is preparing the soil for seeding or fixing a water line, there will be plenty of work to do. 

Once midday comes around, most farmers retreat from the hot sun and rest for a couple of hours.

Once they've eaten lunch or awoken from their nap, farmers start another task from the on-going list of things to do.

The list of tasks continues throughout the rest of the day well into the evening. 

That's when they finish off the little things and call it quits for the day.

Finally, everyone gathers for dinner together and then prepares for bed to get well deserved night's sleep after such a busy day.



