태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
06일차. J-June’s Pink Plus 60강 복습 본문
무단 복제 및 배포 금지
J-June’s Pink Plus 60강 복습
여기 버튼이 하나 있어요. 이거 기능이 있는 걸까요?
There is a button here. Do you think this does anything?
여기 버튼이 하나 있어요. 이거 기능이 뭐에요?
There is a button here. What does it do?
여기 버튼이 하나 있어요. 이거 기능이 뭐인 거 같아요?
There is a button here. What do you think it does?
A: 그에 대해 뭔가를 해야 할까요?
B: 그냥 해고시키자고요.
A: Should we do anything about him?
B: I say we let him go.
• say
4-[transitive, intransitive] to express an opinion on something
: <무엇에 대한 의견을 표할 때 씀>
say something. Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer.
I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company.
Anna thinks I'm lazy—what do you say (= what is your opinion)?
say (that)... I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right).
I have to say I enjoyed every minute.
I say (= suggest) we go without them.
I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich).
That's not to say it's a bad movie (= it is good but it is not without faults).
say what, how, etc... It's hard to say what caused the accident.
It's difficult to say whether the story is true.
‘When will it be finished?’ ‘I couldn't say (= I don't know).’
Is it worth it? I would say not.
• let somebody go
1-to allow somebody to be free
: ~를 풀어 주다[석방하다]
Will they let the hostages go?
He's finally been let go.
2-to make somebody have to leave their job
: ~를 해고하다
They're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits.
그녀에 대해 우리가 어떻게 해야 할까요?
그냥 해고시킬까요? 아니면 기회를 한 번 더 줄까요?
What do you think we should do about her?
Should we just let her go or give her another chance?
어떻게 알고 있는거야? 누군가와 이야기하고 다녔니?
How do you know about this? Have you been talking to somebody?
어떻게 알고 있는거야? 누구와 이야기하고 다닌거야?
How do you know about this? Who have you been talking to?
긴 주말 연휴동안 어디 갈 거에요?
Are you going somewhere over the long weekend?
긴 주말 연휴동안 어디로 갈 거에요?
Where are you going over the long weekend?
휴가 때 어디 갔었어요?
Did you go somewhere for your holiday?
휴가 때 어디로 갔었어요?
Where did you go for your holiday?
우리가 뭔가를 해야 하는 건가요?
우리가 뭔가를 해야 하는 지를 그에게 물어봐 주세요.
Do we have to do something?
Ask him if we have to do something.
우리가 뭘 해야 하는 거에요?
우리가 뭘 해야 하는 지를 그에게 물어봐 주세요.
What do we have to do?
Ask him what we have to do.
그녀가 왜 그랬지?
Why did she do that?
그녀가 왜 그랬다고 말했던 거지?
Why did she say she did that?
그녀가 왜 그랬는지 이유는 말했니?
Did she say why she did it?
너에게 여자친구가 있는지 물어봐 달라고 그녀가 부탁했어.
She asked me to ask you if you’ve got a girlfriend.
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