태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
08일차. J-June’s Pink Plus 61강 복습 본문
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J-June’s Pink Plus 61강 복습
넌 (사람의) 마음을 읽지 못해. 그러니 내가 무슨 생각하는 지 넌 몰라.
You can’t read minds. So, you don’t know what I am thinking.
네가 사람의 마음을 읽을 수 있다면, 내가 무슨 생각하고 있는지 알텐데...
If you could read minds, you would know what I was thinking.
네가 이런 태도를 자꾸 보이면, 교장 선생님께 얘기해서 널 교장실로 불러 이야기 좀 하시라고 할 수밖에 없어.
If you keep behaving like this, I am gonna have to ask the principal to ask you to come talk to him.
• come + V: V하러 오다.
고등학교 때, 그에게 내 남자친구가 되어 달라고 했는데, 그가 거절했어.
난 마음의 상처를 받았어. 그때 이후로는, 절대 내가 먼저 다가가지 않아(사귀자는 직접 행동을 취하지 않아).
Back in high school, I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said no.
I was hurt badly. Ever since then, I never make the first move.
• make the first move
1-to do something before somebody else, for example in order to end an argument or to begin something - 옥스포드;
-to be the first to take action - 캠브릿지;
-to be the person who starts to do something when someone else is too nervous, embarrassed etc to do it - 롱맨
If he wants to see me, he should make the first move.
Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement.
He was glad she had made the first move and kissed him.
2-to show that you want to start a romantic or sexual relationship with someone:
She's liked him for a long time, but doesn't want to make the first move.
그래서, 나보고 어떻게 하라는 거야?
일어날 가능성이 없는 걸 알면서도 (위험을 무릅쓰고) 기회를 잡으라는 거야?
So, what are you asking me to do?
Are you asking me to take the chances even though it’s highly unlikely to happen?
A: 난 널 챙기려고 하는 거야.
B: 그렇게 하라고 (너에게) 부탁한 적 없어.
A: I am trying to look out for you
B: I never asked you to do that.
• look out for somebody
-to take care of somebody and make sure nothing bad happens to them
: (~에게 나쁜 일이 생기지 않도록) ~를 보살피다
• look out for somebody/something
1-to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad
=SYNONYM watch out
: (나쁜 일이 생기거나 나쁜 일을 하지 않도록) ~을 조심하다[~에 주의하다]
You should look out for pickpockets. 소매치기들을 조심해야 한다.
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. 과제를 할 때에는 철자 오류에 꼭 주의하도록 해라.
2-to keep trying to find something or meet somebody
: ~을 찾으려고[만나려고] 애쓰다
I'll look out for you at the conference. 그 학회에서 꼭 당신을 찾아보겠어요[만나도록 하겠어요].
• look out for somebody/yourself
-to think only of somebody’s/your own advantage, without worrying about other people
: ~(의 이익)만을 생각하다
You should look out for yourself from now on. 이제부터는 당신 자신만을 생각해야 해요.
A: 난 너의 일이 더 수월할 수 있도록 해주려는 거야?
B: 아무도 너에게 그렇게 하라고 한 적 없어.
A: I am trying to make things easier for you.
B: Nobody asked you to do that.
A: 난 널 도우려는 거야.
B: 누가 그렇게 하라고 했어
A: I am trying to help you
B: Who asked you to do that?
월요일까지 이걸 끝내 달라고 부탁하는 게 아냐. 명령하는 거야.
I am not asking you to get this done by Monday. I am telling you.
그거 하지 말라고 내가 너에게 수백 번은 얘기했잖아.
I’ve told you not to do it like hundreds of times.
그거 하지 말라고 내가 너에게 몇 번을 얘기했니?
How many times have I told you not to do it?
A: 코 성형하러 가서 한가인처럼 생기게 해달라고 (의사 선생님께) 부탁했어.
B: 그 선생님 고소해야 겠네
A: 뭐라고?
A: I went to get my nose done and I asked him to make me look like 한가인.
B: You should sue him.
A: Huh?