태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
『그 때』 관련 표현 (2) - then 및 기타(time/moment/instant) 용법 본문
• then: Adv.. 그 때, 그 무렵, 그 당시
【참고】 (※ 과거에도 미래에도 쓰임, 과거·미래의 특정한 때를 가리킴)
Life was harder then because neither of us had a job.
우리 둘 중 누구도 직장이 없었기 때문에 그때는 사는 게 더 힘들었다.
I was then living in the West End
그 당시 나는 (런던의) 웨스트엔드에 살고 있었다
Crime was not a major problem then.
그 당시 범죄는 큰 문제가 되지 않았다
Yesterday? What were you doing then?
어제? 그 때 넌 무얼하고 있었는데?
• at the time / at that time / at that instant / at that moment <과거>
-at a particular moment or period in the past when something happened, especially when the situation is very different now from Longman
: (현재와 달리) 당시에(는)
At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing.
• at the moment <현재>
-British English especially spoken, American English formal “now” from Longman
-right now : at the current time from Merriam-Webster
: 지금 당장은, 현재는
Julia’s on holiday in Spain at the moment.
At the moment, the situation in Haiti is very tense.
I can’t talk at the moment.
• in those days <과거>
• in those times <과거>
• then: N.. [주로 전치사의 목적어] 그 때, 그 당시
before then: 그 이전에
by then: 그때까지, 그때까지는
since then: 그때부터 쭉, 그때 이래로, 그 이후에,
=from then on
=from then onward(s)
till then: 그때까지(는)
=until then
=up to then
(every) now and then: 때때로, 가끔, 이따금, 간혹,
=(every) now and again
=ever and again
=from time to time
• then: Adj.. [명사 앞에만 씀] (그) 당시의
That decision was taken by the then president.
그 결정은 당시의 회장이 내린 것이었다.
the then President
당시의 대통령
• that time: N.. 그때
=that moment
• those days: N.. 그 시절
=those times
Ref) 그때가 좋았어
The time was good. (X)
Those were the good days. (O)
출처: https://en.dict.naver.com/#/entry/koen/acd889ac95cb46f6869adf6c8071b9ae
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