태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
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• mask
-to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed
SYNONYM disguise, veil
: (감정·냄새·사실 등을) 가리다[감추다]
*mask something
She masked her anger with a smile.
그녀는 미소로써 분노를 감추었다.
• ilk /ɪlk/
[usually singular] (sometimes disapproving)
-type; kind
: 주로 단수로 때로 못마땅함. 종류; 동류
the world of media people and their ilk
언론계 사람들과 그 동류의 세계
I can't stand him, or any others of that ilk.
• powerlessness /ˈpaʊərləsnəs/
-the state of being unable to control or influence somebody/something
: 무력, 무기력
a feeling/sense of powerlessness
• band together
-to form a group in order to achieve something
: (무엇을 달성하기 위해) 함께 뭉치다[무리를 이루다]
Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers.
지역 주민들이 마약상들과 싸우기 위해 함께 뭉쳤다.
• withhold
-to refuse to give something to somebody
SYNONYM keep back
: (…을) 주지 않다
*withhold something (from somebody/something)
She was accused of withholding information from the police.
그녀는 경찰에 정보를 알려 주지 않았다는 비난을 받았다.
Payment was withheld until the work was completed.
The government was threatening to withhold future financial aid.
• coalition /ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃn/
[countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable]
1-a government formed by two or more political parties working together
: (둘 이상의 정당으로 구성된) 연립 정부, 연정; 연합
The two parties have formed a coalition.
a coalition government
*(in) coalition (with somebody)
The two parties governed in coalition for four years.
They didn't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats.
그들은 사회민주당과의 연합도 배제하지 않았다.
*coalition between A and B
a coalition between the Socialists and Communists
to form a coalition
연립 정부를 구성하다
2-a group formed by people from several different groups, especially political ones, agreeing to work together for a particular purpose
: (특히 정치적인) 연합체
The network is a global coalition of environmental and consumer groups.
환경 단체와 소비자 단체들의 연합체
• crawler /ˈkrɔːlər/
1-(British English, disapproving) a person who tries to get somebody’s favour by praising them, doing what will please them, etc.
: 英, 못마땅함. 아첨꾼
2-a thing or person that crawls, such as a vehicle, an insect or a baby
: 기어 다니는[기어가는] 것[사람/차량 등
• kerb-crawler [• kerb-crawler] /ˈkɜːrb krɔːlər/
-a person who drives slowly along a road looking for somebody who will have sex with them in their car in exchange for money
: 거리를 걷는 여자를 차를 몰고 다니며 유혹하는 남자
• disallow /ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ/
[often passive]
-disallow something to officially refuse to accept something because it has not been done in the correct way
: 타동사 [VN 흔히 수동태로] (공식적으로) 인정하지[받아들이지] 않다
to disallow a claim/an appeal
주장/호소를 받아들이지 않다
The second goal was disallowed.
The court will disallow evidence obtained through torture.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
*Disallow is used with these nouns as the object:
• vocal /ˈvəʊkl/
2-telling people your opinions or protesting about something loudly and with confidence
: (의견을) 강경하게 밝히는, 소리 높여 항의하는
He has been very vocal in his criticism of the government's policy.
그는 정부 정책 비판에 있어서 아주 강경하게 목소리를 높여 왔다.
The protesters are a small but vocal minority.
시위대가 규모는 작지만 항의의 목소리는 높은 소수이다.
• time is on someone's side | • time is on one's side | • time is on your side | • have time on your side | • have time on one's side
-If you say that time is on your side, or that you have time on your side, you mean that you do not have to do quickly whatever it is that you want or have to do: - 캠브릿지
-used to say that someone is young enough to be able to wait before doing something or until something happens - 롱맨
-used to say that a person will have a good chance of success because he or she can wait until a situation improves - 메리엄 웹스터
-used to say that somebody can wait for something to happen or can wait before doing something - 옥스포
: 시간은 당신 편이다(기다려 보았다가 일을 하라는 뜻으로 하는 말)
We don't have to make a final decision till next week, so time is on our side.
House prices are all dropping, and in the case of home buyers, time is on their side.
• put pressure on somebody (to do something)
-to force or to try to persuade somebody to do something
: (~을 하라고) ~에게 압박[압력]을 가하다
Advertisements put pressure on girls to be thin.
My parents never put any pressure on me to get a job.
Her family put great pressure on her not to marry him.
the use of the internet to put international pressure on authoritarian regimes
• pool
-pool something to collect money, information, etc. from different people so that it can be used by all of them
: 타동사 [VN] (공동으로 이용할 자금정보 등을) 모으다
The students work individually, then pool their ideas in groups of six.
학생들은 개별적으로 작업을 한 다음 여섯 명씩 그룹을 이뤄 아이디어를 모은다.
Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.
• take something back [• tack back something]
1-if you take something back to a shop, or a shop takes something back, you return something that you have bought there, for example because it is the wrong size or does not work - 옥스포드
-to return something you have bought to a shop: - 캠브릿지
-If you take something back, you return it to the place where you bought it or where you borrowed it from, because it is unsuitable or broken, or because you have finished with it. - 콜린스
: (사람이 상점에) ~을 반품하다; (상점에서) ~을 반품 받다[회수하다]
Is it too small? Take it back and get a refund.
If I buy something and he doesn't like it, I'll take it back. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
I went to the library and took your books back. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
I once took back a pair of shoes that fell apart after a week. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2-to admit that something you said was wrong or that you should not have said it
-to admit that something you said was wrong: - 캠브릿지
-If you take something back, you admit that something that you said or thought is wrong. - 콜린스
: (자기가 한 말을) 취소[철회]하다
OK, I take it all back!
좋아, 그거 모두 취소할게!
All right, I take it all back. It wasn't your fault.
I take it back, I think perhaps I am an extrovert. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Take back what you said about Jeremy! [VERB PARTICLE noun]