태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
Taiwan vs China 본문
• the armed forces
(also • the armed services)
-a country’s army, navy and air force
: (한 국가의) 군대
• condemn /kənˈdem/
1-say something is bad. to say very strongly that you think something is bad, usually for moral reasons
: (보통 도덕적인 이유로) 규탄[비난]하다
*condemn somebody/something
The government issued a statement condemning the killings.
정부는 그 살인행위들을 규탄하는 성명을 발표했다.
*condemn somebody/something for/as something
The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.
그 신문의 편집자는 진실성이 부족하다는 비난을 받았다.
2-somebody to punishment. [usually passive] to say what somebody’s punishment will be
SYNONYM sentence
: [주로 수동태로] 선고를 내리다
*be condemned (to something)
He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.
그는 살인죄로 사형 선고를 받고 후에 교수형을 당했다.
*be condemned to do something
She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.
그녀는 남편 살해죄로 교수형을 선고받았다.
3-somebody to difficult situation. [usually passive] to force somebody to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation
: [VN 주로 수동태로] (좋지 않은 상황에) 처하게 만들다
*be condemned to something
@He was condemned to a life of hardship.
그들은 역경의 삶을 살아야만 했다. (@역경)
*be condemned to do something
They were condemned to spend every holiday on a rainy campsite.
He was condemned to spend the rest of the football season on the bench.
그는 그 축구 시즌 나머지 기간을 벤치에 앉아 보내야 했다.
4-something dangerous. [usually passive] to say officially that something is not safe enough to be used
: [VN 주로 수동태로] (안전) 부적격[부적합] 판정을 내리다
*be condemned (as something)
The meat was condemned as unfit to eat.
그 고기는 식용으로 부적합하다는 판정을 받았다.
a condemned building
안전 부적격 판정을 받은 건물
5-show guilt. to show or suggest that somebody is guilty of something
: 유죄를 시사하다[보여주다]
*condemn somebody
She is condemned out of her own mouth (= her own words show that she is guilty).
그녀는 자기 자신의 입으로 유죄임을 드러낸다.
• alliance / əˈlaɪ əns /
1-an agreement between countries, political parties, etc. to work together in order to achieve something that they all want
to form/make an alliance
: 동맹, 연합
*alliance with somebody/something
The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens.
*alliance between A and B
an alliance between education and business to develop the use of technology in schools
to form/make an alliance
동맹을 맺다
2-a group of people, political parties, etc. who work together in order to achieve something that they all want
: 동맹 단체, 연합체
The Green Alliance was formed to campaign against environmental damage.
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
alliance of convenience
It was an alliance of convenience, not of conviction.
Russia and China's Alliance of Convenience. (https://geopoliticalfutures.com/russia-chinas-alliance-convenience-1/)
• constitution /ˌkɑːnstɪˈtuːʃn/
1-[countable] the system of laws and basic principles that a state, a country or an organization is governed by
: 헌법
your right to vote under the constitution
헌법에 따른 투표권
According to the constitution…
헌법에 따르면…
to propose a new amendment to the Constitution
(미국) 헌법에 새로운 수정안을 제안하다
the South African Constitution
남아프리카공화국 헌법
A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the club’s constitution.
2-[countable] the condition of a person’s body and how healthy it is
: 체질
to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution.
체질이 건강하다/튼튼하다/약하다
*have a constitutional weakness for N: 체칠적으로 ~에 약하다.
=have a constitutional infirmity for N
*have a constitutional weakness for alcohol: 체질적으로 술에 약하다.
3-[uncountable, countable] (formal) the way something is formed or organized
SYNONYM structure
: U, C 격식 구조
the genetic constitution of cells
세포의 유전적 구조
4-[uncountable] (formal) the act of forming something
SYNONYM establishment
: 설립, 설치
He recommended the constitution of a review committee.
그는 검토 위원회 설립을 추천했다
• resolutely /ˈrezəluːtli/
-in a way that is strong and determined
: 단호하게, 단호히
They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.
그들은 그 생각에 대해 계속 단호히 반대한다.
She resolutely refuses to talk about it.
• ally /ˈælaɪ/
(plural allies)
1-[countable] a country that has agreed to help and support another country, especially in case of a war
: 동맹국
our European/NATO allies
a loyal ally of the United States
Portugal is a traditional ally of England.
2-[countable] a person who helps and supports somebody who is in a difficult situation, especially a politician
: (특히 정치적) 협력자
a close ally and friend of the prime minister
수상의 절친한 협력자이자 친구
her most powerful political ally
His sister was his ally against their grandparents.
3-a person who offers their support to a particular group of people in society that they themselves do not belong to, in order to help ensure their basic rights and ability to be happy and successful in society
Fran has been an ally to First Nations people her whole life.
Being an ally to somebody means acting when you see an injustice.
4-the Allies [plural] the group of countries including the UK and the US that fought together in the First and Second World Wars
: (the Allies) (12차 세계대전 때의) 연합국가들
the Western Allies
• rapprochement /ˌræprəʊʃˈmɑːn/, /ˌræprɑːʃˈmɑːn/
[singular, uncountable] (from French, formal)
-a situation in which the relationship between two countries or groups of people becomes more friendly after a period during which they were enemies
: sing., U 불어에서, 격식 (두 국가·단체 사이의) 화해[관계 회복]
*rapprochement (with somebody)
policies aimed at bringing about a rapprochement with China
중국과의 관계 회복을 가져오기 위한 정책들
*rapprochement (between A and B)
There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.
이제는 서로 싸우고 있는 그 파벌들이 화해할 가능성은 거의 없어 보인다.
• confrontation /ˌkɑːnfrənˈteɪʃn/
[uncountable, countable]
-a situation in which there is anger between people or groups who disagree because they have different opinions
: 대치, 대립
*confrontation (with somebody)
She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
그녀는 아버지와 또 다시 대립하는 것은 피하고 싶었다.
*confrontation between A and B
Confrontation between employers and unions has resulted in strike action.
노사간의 대치
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
confrontation about, confrontation over | confrontation between | confrontation with
Lewis had a confrontation about money with his stepfamily.
She had a series of heated confrontations with her parents over homework.
a head-on confrontation between the two governments
a confrontation with the police
• overreact /ˌəʊvəriˈækt/
-to react too strongly, especially to something unpleasant
: 과잉 반응을 보이다
*overreact (to something)
The financial markets overreacted to the news.
• sit
4-have official position. [intransitive] to have an official position as something or as a member of something
: (공적인 지위 등을) 맡아 보다; (위원회 등의) 일원이다
*sit as something
He was sitting as a temporary judge.
그는 임시 심사 위원을 맡고 있었다.
They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons.
그들은 두 사람 다 하원 의원들이었다.
*sit in/on something
She sat on a number of committees.
그녀는 몇몇 위원회 일을 보고 있었다[위원회의 위원이었다].
*sit for something
For years he sat for Henley.
오랫동안 그는 헨리 선거구 (의회) 의원이었다.
• fight back (against somebody/something)
-to resist strongly or attack somebody who has attacked you
: (공격에) 강력히 맞서다[반격하다]
Don't let them bully you. Fight back!
걔들이 널 괴롭히게 놔두지 마. 강력하게 맞서란 말야!
It is time to fight back against street crime.
길거리 범죄에 강력히 맞설 때가 되었다.
Collins fought back to level the match at two sets all.
• inalienable /ɪnˈeɪliənəbl/
≒ inviolable
-that cannot be taken away from you
: 격식 [주로 명사 앞에 씀] 빼앗을 수 없는
the inalienable right to decide your own future
스스로의 미래를 결정할, 빼앗을 수 없는 권리
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
*Inalienable is used with these nouns: right
• breakaway /ˈbreɪkəweɪ/
[only before noun]
(of a political group, an organization, or a part of a country) having separated from a larger group or country
: [명사 앞에만 씀] (큰 정당단체국가에서) 탈퇴한[독립한]
a breakaway faction/group/section
탈퇴한 파벌/이탈 집단/분리된 지역
a breakaway republic
독립된 공화국
[Oxford Collocations Dictionary]
*Breakaway is used with these nouns: faction , republic
• Strategic junction
: 전략적 요충지
On March 17 18 a communist army attacked and captured a strategic junction between Mukden and Changchun, the former Manchukuo capital; on April 18 communists captured Changchun from a small Nationalist garrison directly following the Soviet withdrawal.
Masiaka -- a strategic junction town that has been destroyed, patched up and destroyed in successive attacks over a nine-year civil war -- was finally secured.
A week later, the hole is still there, occupying two, often three, lanes of this strategic junction, spawning queues in three directions.
• 요충지
: 지세(地勢)가 군사적으로 아주 중요한 곳.
군사적 요충지.
전략적 요충지.
공주성만 점령하면 충청, 전라도는 물론 경상도까지 수중에 넣을 수 있는 요충지이기도 했다.
(출처 <<유현종, 들불>>)
• 지세
: 땅의 생긴 모양이나 형세.
지세가 높다.
지세가 험하다.
지세에 익숙하다.
지세가 완만하다면 일시에 성을 넘어 쳐들어가겠지만 서북은 지세가 가파르고 동남은 강물이어서 쉽사리 가까이 갈 수조차 없었다.
(출처 <<문순태, 타오르는 강>>)
• keep (close) tabs on somebody/something [• keep taps on]
-(informal) to watch somebody/something carefully in order to know what is happening so that you can control a particular situation - 옥스포드
-to carefully watch (someone or something) in order to learn what that person or thing is doing - 메리엄 웹스터
-to watch something or someone carefully: - 캠브릿지
It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.
모든 사람들의 움직임을 계속 예의 주시하는 것이 항상 가능하지는 않다.
We are keeping tabs on their movements.
The magazine keeps tabs on the latest fashion trends.
I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't spend too much.
• keep an eye on somebody/something [• keep an eye]
-to take care of somebody/something and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.
: (손상되거나 해를 입지 않도록) ~을 계속 지켜보다
We’ve asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.
우리는 이웃에게 우리가 없는 동안 집을 좀 지켜봐 달라고 부탁했다.
Could you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the toilet?
*keep a beady eye on [• beady /ˈbiːdi/]
I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour.
내가 분명히 (두 눈을 반짝거리며) 그의 행동을 유심히 지켜볼 것이다.
• hold/keep something in check [• hold something in check, keep something in check]
-to keep something under control so that it does not spread or get worse
: ~을 저지[억제]하다
Maggie managed to keep her temper in check.
The epidemic was held in check by widespread vaccination.
You need to keep your temper in check!
• keep a weather eye on somebody/something
-to watch somebody/something carefully in case you need to take action
: (필요하면 조치를 취하기 위해) ~을 예의 주시하다
Keep a weather eye on your competitors.
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