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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

※ 유의어 [costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay / overheads = outgoings] 본문

영어/영어 용법·표현

※ 유의어 [costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay / overheads = outgoings]

태뽕이 2023. 8. 16. 19:23

※ 유의어 [costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay / overheads = outgoings]

이 단어들은 모두 정부ㆍ기관ㆍ개인이 쓰는 돈을 나타낸다.


1.  costs (사업체에서 쓰는 전체) 비용:


labour / production costs

인건비 / 생산비


rising costs

늘어 가는 비용




2.  spending (특히 정부나 조직에서 쓰는) 비용[지출]:


public spending

공공 비용


More spending on health was promised.

보건 부문에 더 많은 지출이 약속되었다.




3.  expenditure (비교적 격식) (정부ㆍ기관ㆍ개인의) 비용[지출]:


expenditure on education





4.  expenses (개인이나 조직에서 써야 하는) 비용; (추후 회사에서 지불받는 업무상 소요) 경비:

legal expenses

법률 비용


travel expenses





5.  outlay (새로운 사업이나 프로젝트를 시작하는 데 드는, 또는 추후 돈이나 시간을 절약하기 위해 들이는) 비용:


The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay.

가장 좋은 장비는 값이 비싸지만 그만한 비용을 들일 가치가 충분히 있다.


The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.

그 사업에서는 광고에 들인 초기 경비가 곧 회수되었다.


a massive financial/capital outlay

대규모 재정/자금 지출




6.  overheads = outgoings (英) (집세나 전기세처럼 개인이나 사업체가 정기적으로 들여야 하는) 비용[지출]


low/high outgoings

적은/많은 지출


Write down your incomings and outgoings.

자신의 수입과 지출을 기록하라.




※ 문형 / 함께 쓰이는 말

spending / expenditure / outlay on something

~에 드는 비용[~비]


high / low / total / overall costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay / outgoings

높은 / 낮은 / 총 / 전체 비용[지출]


capital costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outlay

자본 비용[지출]


government / public / education / health costs / spending / expenditure

정부 지출 / 공공 비용 / 교육비 / 보건 비용


household costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / outgoings

가계 지출[가계비]


to increase / reduce costs / spending / expenditure / expenses / the outlay / outgoings

비용[지출]을 늘리다 / 줄이다.






※ Synonyms [• spending • expenditure • expenses • overheads = outgoings • outlay]

These are all words for money spent by a government, an organization or a person.


1.  costs - the total amount of money that needs to be spent by a business:


labour/production costs

rising costs




2.  spending - the amount of money that is spent, especially by a government or an organization:


public spending

More spending on health was promised.




3.  expenditure - (rather formal) an amount of money spent by a government, an organization or a person:


expenditure on education




4.  expenses  - money that has to be spent by a person or an organization; money that you spend while you are working that your employer will pay back to you later:


legal expenses

travel expenses




5.  overhead(s) = outgoings - the regular costs of running a business or an organization, such as rent, electricity and wages:


High overheads mean small profit margins.




6.  outlay  - the money that you have to spend in order to start a new business or project, or in order to save yourself money or time later:


The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay.




※ Patterns

spending/expenditure/outlay   on something

high/low   costs/spending/expenditure/expenses/overheads

total   costs/spending/expenditure/expenses/overheads/outlay

capital   costs/spending/expenditure/expenses/outlay

household   costs/spending/expenditure/expenses

government/public/education/health   costs/spending/expenditure

to increase/reduce   costs/spending/expenditure/expenses/overheads/the outlay
