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목록2024/05/18 (1)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
32일차. 2023-12-15. 스픽 - AI 튜터
🗣 스픽 🗣 📝 Since two weeks ago, my wife has been showing a very abnormal symptom with her balance.*"his" 대신에 "her"를 써야 해요. "keeping balance"는 "balance"로 간단하게 말하는 게 더 자연스럽습니다. 📝 Of course, but before taking her to the doctor, I asked her to describe what she was feeling. She said that when she wakes up, everything seems to be spinning around her and she experiences quite severe dizziness.*"all ..
66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)
2024. 5. 18. 01:07