목록2024/07/05 (5)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

Will Debt Sink the American Empire? After growing for decades, this year the U.S. debt will roughly match its GDP. Throughout history, nations that blithely piled up their obligations have eventually met unhappy ends.By Gerald F. SeibJune 21, 2024 12:02 pm ET America is cruising into an uncharted sea of federal debt, with a public seemingly untroubled by the stark numbers and a government seemin..

Culture | Braking ChinaIs time more on America’s or China’s side?A new book offers practical advice about how America can win against ChinaWorld on the Brink. By Dmitri Alperovitch and Garrett Graff. PublicAffairs; 400 pages; $32.50 and £25 Though the wording may vary between “containing”, “deterring”, “decoupling” or “de-risking”, the Washington consensus is that China represents the pre-eminen..
• look out for somebody-to take care of somebody and make sure nothing bad happens to them: (~에게 나쁜 일이 생기지 않도록) ~를 보살피다 cf)• look out for somebody/something1-to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad=SYNONYM watch out: (나쁜 일이 생기거나 나쁜 일을 하지 않도록) ~을 조심하다[~에 주의하다]e.g.)You should look out for pickpockets. 소매치기들을 조심해야 한다.Do look o..

#전성기 #황금기 (feat. 그때가 좋았지) • golden age : 주로 단수로 (특히 과거의) 황금기[전성기] e.g.) the golden age of cinema 영화관의 황금기 = • glory days /ˈɡlɔːri deɪz/ [plural] -a time in the past which people look back on as being better than the present : (과거의) 영광스럽던 날들[좋았던 시절] e.g.) The last time they won the Cup was back in the glory days of 1989. = • hey day /ˈheɪdeɪ/ [usually singular] -the time when somebody/someth..
rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable These words all describe somebody/something that has a lot of money, property or valuable possessions. • rich (of a person) having a lot of money, property or valuable possessions; (of a country or city) producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard • wealthy rich 【rich or wealthy?】There is no r..