목록영어숙어 (488)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#눈치 • take a hint: : 눈치를 채다; (암시를 받고) 알아채다 e.g.) When she mentioned she was tired of eating at the same restaurant every week, I decided to take a hint and suggested a new place. 그녀가 매주 같은 식당에서 먹는 것에 지쳤다고 언급했을 때, 나는 눈치를 채고 새 장소를 제안했다. He keeps dropping hints about wanting to go on a trip, but she doesn’t seem to take a hint. 그는 여행을 가고 싶다는 암시를 계속 주고 있지만, 그녀는 눈치를 채지 못하는 것 같다. Ref) "Take a hint..
• Mouse Potato-a person who spends large amounts of time operating a computer. - 옥스포드-a person who spends a lot of time on their computer and does not have an active style of life - 캠브릿지 : 컴퓨터 중독자: 골방 누리꾼
English is currently the language of the internet. An estimated of 565 million people use the internet every day and about 52% of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in English. Therefore, learning this language gives access to over half the content of the internet, which might not be available otherwise. Whether it is for fun or for work, if you understand English, you will be able ..
#소비행위 #소비행태 • skimp /skɪmp/ [intransitive] -to try to spend less time, money, etc. on something than is really needed : (돈·시간 등을) 지나치게 아끼다 *skimp (on something) e.g.) Older people should not skimp on food or heating. 노인들은 식품과 난방에 너무 인색해서는 안 된다. • splurge /splɜːrdʒ/ [transitive, intransitive] (informal) -an act of spending a lot of money on something that you do not really need - 옥스포드 -to s..
• so much for something 1-used to show that you have finished talking about something : ~에 대해서는 그쯤 하기로 하고[그만해 두고] e.g.) So much for the situation in Germany. Now we turn our attention to France. 독일에서의 상황에 대해서는 그쯤 하기로 하죠. 이제 관심을 프랑스로 돌려 보겠습니다. 2-(informal) used to suggest that something has not been successful or useful : ~란 게 참(어떤 것이 성공적이거나 유용하지 못했음을 시사하기 위해 씀); ~이 수포로 돌아가다; ~이 쓸모없게 되다; ~은 물..
※ 유의어These words all mean to gradually make something weaker.이 단어들은 모두 '어떤 것을 서서히 더 약하게 만들다'는 뜻을 나타낸다. undermine / erode / weaken / sap / ˌwear somebody/somthing ˈdown [함께 쓰이는 단어들to undermine/erode/weaken sb’s position 어떤 사람의 위치를 약화시키다to weaken/wear down sb’s resistance 어떤 사람의 저항을 약화시키다to undermine/erode/weaken/sap sb’s confidence/morale 어떤 사람의 자신감/사기를 약화시키다] • unde..
• right up your street (especially British English) • right up your alley (North American English) -(informal) very suitable for you because it is something that you know a lot about or are very interested in : (많이 알고 있거나 관심 있는 분야이므로) …에게 딱 어울리는; ~은 ~의 전문인, 특기인 e.g.) This job seems right up your street. 이 직장이 당신에게 딱 어울리는 것 같군요. This is right up my alley 이건 내 전문이야, 이건 내 특기야 Ref)마스터셰프 US 시즌6 5..
• lick your lips • smack your lips 1-to move your tongue over your lips, especially before eating something good 1-to move your lips, apart noisily, especially before eating something good : (특히 맛있는 것을 먹기 전에) 입맛을 다시다 2-(also smack your lips) (informal) to show that you are excited about something and want it to happen soon 2-(also lick your lips) (informal) to show that you are excited about som..
@The total length of unraveled ramen exports is equivalent to 2,539 laps around the Earth. 2023년 라면 수출액 역대 최대 9.5억 달러(≒ 약 1조 2,700억 원) 풀어진 라면의 면발 길이로는 지구 2,539바퀴 가능 • unravel /ʌnˈrævl/ 1-[transitive, intransitive] if you unravel threads that are twisted, woven or knitted, or if they unravel, they become separated : (뜨개질한 것·엉클어진 것·매듭 등을) 풀다 e.g.) *unravel (something) I unravelled the string and ..