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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)】 진행합니다. carriver77@naver.com


영어숙어 393

영어회화의 결정적 표현들. 표현교정 중급 21.

영어회화의 결정적 표현들. 표현교정 중급 21. 38. That's what I told you. 39. That's a good thing. 40. That's none of your concern. 41. That can't hurt you. 42. That was meant as a compliment 43. That's the way it usually works. 44. That's not the point. 45. That's how rumors get started. 46. That's what happens. 47. There's a first for everything. : 모든 일에는 처음이라는 게 있다. 48. Stay where you are. 49. Give it time. 50...

영어회화의 결정적 표현들. 표현교정 중급 20.

영어회화의 결정적 표현들. 표현교정 중급 20. 1. I'm sure it's just a passing thing. 2. I'm not the person you think I am. 3. I know these things. 4. I'll get to the point. 5. I won't beat around the bush. • beat about the bush | • beat around the bush -to talk about something for a long time without coming to the main point -avoiding the main topic, and not speaking directly about the issue. e.g.) Stop beating ab..

35일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Elaborating on a point]

35일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Elaborating on a point] ※ Elaborating on a point *People will often elaborate on a point to make sure they are understood. One method of doing this is to paraphrase. In the video, it states that leaders need empathy and then restates the meaning of empathy in several ways. Today's leaders – they need people skills; they nee..

34일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Phrases with '-ing' verbs]

34일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Phrases with '-ing' verbs] ※ Phrases with '-ing' verbs *You can use phrases with -ing verbs to add more information to a sentence. They are similar to relative clauses that start with words like who, that and which, but they are shorter. Look at the example: The leaders meeting in New York signed an economic agreement. *As ..

33일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Leadership vocabulary]

33일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Leadership vocabulary] [STUART] The days of hierarchical, autocratic companies is long gone. • autocratic /ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk/ 1-having complete power; involving rule by somebody who has complete power SYNONYM despotic e.g.) an autocratic leader autocratic regimes 2-expecting to be obeyed by other people and not caring about thei..
