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# 근무일 / 근무주 / 달력일 / 달력주 / 근무 일수로 몇일 / 달력 일수로 몇일 표현 • working day [=work day] • calendar day • working week [=work week] • calendar day • seven working days: 근무 일수로 7일 • seven calendar days: 달력 일수로 7일
• During = when something happens. (일어난 기간, 시기). • For = the length of time something lasts / for how long / for what period of time. (지속된 시간). • over & in = to talk about something that has been happening continuously up until the present, or will happen continuously in the future. (특정 기간) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..
"That's how I am" sounds more like you're explaining your behavior. How you act in general. I am a nice person. That's HOW I am. "That's who I am" sounds more like you're explaining what kind of person you are. e.g.) I am a person who would help no matter the situation. That's WHO I am.
• pop 6-[intransitive] if your ears pop when you are going up or down in a plane, etc., the pressure in them suddenly changes : (비행기를 타고 올라가거나 내려갈 때처럼 기압 변화 때문에 귀가) 멍해지다 • pop (one's) ears -informal. To release pressure felt in one's ears by doing certain actions (such as swallowing, nose-blowing, etc.). - 프리 e.g.) A: "What? Man, I really need to pop my ears." B: "Try swallowing." Pinch your nos..
• sights and sounds Ref) Q. what does the expression "sights and sounds" mean to you, please? A-1. The experience of a place. The vibrations of the smells, colores, sounds, feelings, the total combined package that your senses provide you with when you enter a new environment. *take in the sights and sounds. 출처: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4QhxsV1gx1wJ:https://uk.answer..
♣ @(시간) late: @(시간) 늦은 / 늦게 【학습정보-Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English】 [형용사·부사]로 late이(가) 사용될 때 *Phrases • an hour, ten minutes, etc. ~ | leave it rather, very, etc. ~ e.g.) The train was 45 minutes late. (옥스포드) You've left it rather late to start your homework, haven't you? (옥스포드) Bill finally rolled up two hours late. (옥스포드) 빌은 마침내 두 시간이나 늦게 모습을 드러냈다. The train arrived at th..
※ ~요일마다 / ~요일 아침·점심·저녁마다 • 목요일마다: every Thursday on Thursdays • 주말마다: on weekends • 월요일마다: on Mondays • 월요일 아침마다: on Monday mornings • 금요일 밤마다: on Friday nights • 일요일 아침마다: on Sunday mornings Ref) 현재시제와 잘 어울린다. e.g.) 너희 부모님은 목요일마다 테니스를 치시니? Do your parents play tennis on Thursdays? 아뇨, 그분들은 목요일마다 테니스를 치시지 않습니다. No, they don’t play tennis on Thursdays. 그분들은 수요일마다 테니스를 치십니다. They play tennis on We..
#시간 표현 방법: @시간 반. • one and a half hours - ★ formal • one hour and a half. • an hour and a half. - informal. • two and a half hours - ★ formal • two hours and a half.
• At this point in time -[Prepositional phrase] (idiomatic) right now, or in the near and foreseeable future - Wiktionary : 이 시점에서 e.g.) At this point in time we just have to wait. 시간적으로 이 단계에서는 우리가 그저 기다려야 한다. • at this moment in time -[Prepositional phrase] currently, now, at present - Wiktionary • at the moment -(right) now, at the present time - Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of Engli..