태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
The Economist - 002. 본문
• At this point in time
-[Prepositional phrase] (idiomatic) right now, or in the near and foreseeable future - Wiktionary
: 이 시점에서
At this point in time we just have to wait.
시간적으로 이 단계에서는 우리가 그저 기다려야 한다.
• at this moment in time
-[Prepositional phrase] currently, now, at present - Wiktionary
• at the moment
-(right) now, at the present time - Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English
• as a gesture of good faith
• as a gesture of good will
• idiosyncrasy /ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi/
-a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking, etc., especially when it is unusual; an unusual feature
: 특이한 성격[방식], 성벽, 별스러운 점
• eccentricity /ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti/
1-[uncountable] behaviour that people think is strange or unusual; the quality of being unusual and different from other people
: 기이한[별난] 행동, 기행; 기이함, 별남
As a teacher, she had a reputation for eccentricity.
Arthur was noted for the eccentricity of his clothes.
2-[countable, usually plural] an unusual act or habit
: 기벽
We all have our little eccentricities.
• exponential /ˌekspəˈnenʃl/
2-(formal) (of a rate of increase) becoming faster and faster
: 격식 (증가율이) 기하급수적인
exponential growth/increase
기하급수적인 성장/증가
• a tall order
-(informal) to be very difficult to do
-a very difficult task or request
: 어려운 주문, 무리한 요구, 아주 하기 힘든 것; 실행하기 어려운 일(=a difficult task to carry out).
*be a tall order
• cease
-[intransitive, transitive] (formal) to stop happening or existing; to stop something from happening or existing
: 중단되다, 그치다; 중단시키다
*cease to do something
*cease something
*cease doing something
Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job.
You never cease to amaze me!
They voted to cease strike action immediately.
He ordered his men to cease fire (= stop shooting).
The company ceased trading in June.
• shed
5-to send light over something; to let light fall somewhere
*shed something (on/over somebody/something)
: (빛을) 비추다
The candles shed a soft glow on her face.
Would you mind looking into and shedding some light on it?
• stand-off = deadlock = stalemate /ˈsteɪlmeɪt/ = impasse /ˈɪmpæs/
-a situation in which no agreement can be reached
-[singular, uncountable] a complete failure to reach agreement or settle an argument
-[uncountable, countable, usually singular] a disagreement or a situation in a competition in which neither side is able to win or make any progress
-a difficult situation in which no progress can be made because the people involved cannot agree what to do
: (협상의) 교착 상태
a stand-off between the union and the management
• tug of war /ˌtʌɡ əv ˈwɔːr/
[singular, uncountable]
1-a sporting event in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope until one team drags the other over a line on the ground
: 줄다리기
2-a situation in which two people or groups try very hard to get or keep the same thing
: 주도권 다툼
After the divorce they became involved in an emotional tug of war over the children.
• turf war /ˈtɜːrf wɔːr/
-a violent situation between two groups of people who disagree about who should control a particular area, activity or business
: 본거지[세력] 다툼, 영역 싸움
a vicious turf war between rival gangs of drug dealers.
서로 경쟁 관계에 있는 마약 판매 집단 사이의 격렬한 세력 다툼
• claustrophobia /ˌklɔːstrəˈfəʊbiə/
-an extreme fear of being shut in a small place; the unpleasant feeling that a person gets in a situation that limits them
: U 밀실 공포증; 갇혀 있는 듯한 느낌
to suffer from claustrophobia. 밀실 공포증이 있다
She felt she had to escape from the claustrophobia of family life. 그녀는 가정생활에 갇혀 있는 듯한 기분에서 탈출해야겠다고 생각했다.
I hate lifts—they give me claustrophobia.
↔ agoraphobia /ˌæɡərəˈfəʊbiə/
• backfire
1-[intransitive] to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results
: 자동사.. 역효과를 낳다
*backfire on somebody
Unfortunately the plan backfired. 불행하게도 그 계획은 역효과를 낳았다.
He had to be rescued from the water when the stunt backfired disastrously.
The surprise I had planned backfired on me.
• model
-[transitive] to set an example of behaviour that you want other people to copy
*model something
Managers must model behaviour that is open and vulnerable.
Teachers may need to model appropriate discussion behaviours.
None of your sentences modeled on that pattern are correct.
*model oneself on somebody
-to copy the behaviour, style, etc. of somebody you like and respect in order to be like them
As a politician, he modelled himself on Churchil
*with age comes experience: 나이와 함께 경험은 온다.
=Experience comes with age.
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