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자기개발 842

• gutta-percha: 거터퍼챠 / • root canal therapy: 치과. 신경 치료 / • endodontic therapy: 근관 치료

• gutta-percha /ˌɡʌtə ˈpɜːrtʃə/ [uncountable] -a natural substance that can be shaped when it is heated and is hard when cool, produced by certain Malaysian trees -What Is Gutta-Percha? Gutta-percha is a material used to fill a tooth after a root canal procedure. Gutta-percha, a plastic substance from a Malaysian tree called a percha tree, is used as a permanent filling in root canals. During th..

[#인생이란] such is life

#인생이란 ※ 의문사 how 관용어·the way 관용어 • That's the way it goes. / • That's just the way it is : 인생이란 다 그런 거야. / 원래 그런거야; 사는 게 그런거야; 어쩔 수 없어 친구가 어떠한 일로 힘들어할 때 위로의 뜻으로 "어쩔 수 없는 일이야", "세상사란 다 그런 거야" 라고 얘기할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이에요~ 비슷한 표현은 아래처럼 사용할 수 있어요. • That's what life is all about. 인생이 다 그런거지. Ref) • such is life -used to refer to an event that has happened and that you must accept, because you know that thi..

at a certain point is a breaking point. : 어떤 지점에서 한계에 도달하게 되겠죠

Donald Trump: I think I think it'd be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point is a breaking point.*출처: 영상 01분 29초.https://drive.google.com/file/d/19UX0QSeGYy1hM4B9NB4aBDu_zYyEAva5/view?usp=drive_link https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/news-wrap-white-house-expects-israel-will-say-yes-to-ending-war-in-gaza-if-hamas-agrees News Wrap: White House expects Israel will say ‘yes’ to e..

How to use the Phrase "Scheduling Conflict" VS "Schedule Conflict"

February 11, 2024 By Jin Ah Jung • Scheduling Conflict: This one emphasizes the act of planning causing the clash. It implies that creating the schedule itself led to the overlapping commitments. • Schedule Conflict: Here, the focus shifts to the existing schedule being at odds. It highlights the clash within the already established plan.  🗓️ I have a scheduling conflict with the team meeting a..

• growth plate: 성장판, • growth plate fracture: 성장판 골절

• growth plate -What Is a Growth Plate? Growth plates are the areas of active, new bone growth near the ends of bones. They're made up of cartilage, a rubbery, flexible material (the nose, for instance, is made of cartilage). When kids are done growing, the growth plates harden into solid bone. This happens in girls around ages 13–15 and in boys around ages 15–17. : 성장판 *출처: https://kidshealth.o..

draw a blank: 머리가 하얘졌다.

• draw a blank (on somethig): 전혀 생각이 안 난다, 기억이 안 난다, 머리가 하얘지다. 알았던 건데, 경험했던 건데, 기억하려고 애쓰는데, 전혀 기억이 안 날 때 사용합니다. e.g.)  I'm so drawing a blank right now.    지금 머리가 완전 하얘졌어요. I'm drawing a blank on his name.    그의 이름이 생각이 안 나네요. I don't know, I'm drawing a blank/    모르겠어. 전혀 생각이 안 나네..

Where does Korea stand on same-sex marriage?

#헤드라인을 장식하다 • make a headline @A decade later, film director Kim-Jho Gwang-soo made headlines with his ultimately unsuccessful two-year long battle to register his homosexual partnership as a common-law marriage. ① 10년 후, 영화감독 김조광수는 동성결혼을 사실혼으로 등록하기 위한 2년간의 투쟁 끝에 결국 실패하여 헤드라인을 장식했습니다. ② 10년 후, 영화감독 김조광수는 동성결혼을 사실혼으로 등록하기 위한 2년간의 투쟁 끝에 결국 실패해 화제를 모았다. #누구보다 먼저 주도하다 • lead ahead of someboy/someth..

on a wild goose chase - 전치사 on 용법

안녕하세요? 선생님 그동안 잘 지내셨는지요? 항상 건강하시길 바라겠습니다.wild goose chase 라는 관용어를 접하게 되었고, 하기와 같이 옥스포드 영영사전과 예문을 보게 되었습니다. • wild goose chase /ˌwaɪld ˈɡuːs tʃeɪs/-a search for something that is impossible for you to find or that does not exist, that makes you waste a lot of time: 부질없는 시도[추구], 헛된 노력e.g.)The police had been sent on a wild goose chase.*출처:https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/engli..
