목록재질 (6)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

Xylan Coated Bolts Xylan 1010, 1070, 1014, 1052 and now 1424 have been used as bolt coatings for almost a quarter century now. Most major Oil and Chemical Companies recognizing that maintenance is a huge issue have made coated bolt specifications for bolted high pressure flange connections. The various properties on the Xylan give excellent make up and brake out torque and reduce the need for hi..

316/316L Wst. 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4435 UNS S13600 / S31603 Stock program: 0,3 – 60 mm OD 1/32” – 2” OD Specification: ASTM A 269/A 213/ASME SA 213 AW/EN 10216-5 tab.1 EN 10305/ISO 15156-3/EN ISO 1127 D4/T3 – D3/T3 NACE MR0175/PED 97/23 EC Maximum service temperature: 430°C / 800°F Alloy 316 / alloy 316L is the most used austenitic stainless steel in the chemical process industry, including steel..

※ ALLOY 6Mo • UNS S31254 • WNR 1.4547 6 Mo (UNS S31254) is a super austenitic stainless steel with a high level of molybdenum and nitrogen, providing high resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion as well as high strength compared with conventional austenitic stainless steels such as 316L. The alloy can provide excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking allowing tube cold forming and ma..
A variety of hardness-testing methods are available, including the Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell, Meyer and Leeb tests. Although it is impossible in many cases to give an exact conversion, it is possible to give an approximate material-specific comparison table for steels. Brinell HB (10 mm Ball, 3000 kg load) Vickers HV (5 kg) Rockwell C HRC (120 degree cone 150 kg) Rockwell B HRB (1/16" ball 100 ..
What is DN? DN stands for ‘Diameter Nominal’. Put simply, it is a rough translation of mm from imperial sizes, assuming that an inch is 25mm. We refer to a 12″ flange as DN300, when in fact it is 304mm. Please use the table below for your reference and if you have any other questions, please ask the Just Valves team. ½” DN15 ¾” DN20 1″ DN25 1¼” DN32 1½” DN40 2″ DN50 2½” DN65 3″ DN80 4″ DN100 5″ ..
• 규격 명사 1. 일정한 규정에 들어맞는 격식. - 표준국어대사전 예문) 육상 경기 트랙의 국제 표준 규격은 한 바퀴가 400미터로 정해져 있다. (고려대한국어대사전) 이번에 건설되는 자동차 경주장은 국제 규격에 비하면 작은 편이다. (고려대한국어대사전) 학교 건물이나 여타 상업 시설과 달리 문화 시설에는 표준화된 규격을 설정하기 어렵다. (고려대한국어대사전) 2. 제품이나 재료의 품질, 모양, 크기, 성능 따위의 일정한 표준. - 표준국어대사전 예문) 규격 봉투. 규격 제품. 규격에 맞추다. 3. 공업. 공업 제품이나 재료의 치수, 모양, 질 등의 일정한 표준. - 고려대한국어대사전 예문) KS 규격 그 회사는 기계를 규격에 맞추어 생산했다. 나라에서 비디오테이프의 규격을 통일했다. 필름에는 70밀리..