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태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
34일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Phrases with '-ing' verbs] ※ Phrases with '-ing' verbs *You can use phrases with -ing verbs to add more information to a sentence. They are similar to relative clauses that start with words like who, that and which, but they are shorter. Look at the example: The leaders meeting in New York signed an economic agreement. *As ..
33일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 2 DESCRIBING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Leadership vocabulary] [STUART] The days of hierarchical, autocratic companies is long gone. • autocratic /ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk/ 1-having complete power; involving rule by somebody who has complete power SYNONYM despotic e.g.) an autocratic leader autocratic regimes 2-expecting to be obeyed by other people and not caring about thei..
32일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 1 MENTORING A NEW EMPLOYEE [Areas to work on] Yes. I think we should have weekly check-ins.
A: My role is to support you. Where do you think you could use some help? B: I could use some help figuring out a better way to manage my time. 출처: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/the-meaning-of-use-some-help.3972446/
31일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 1 MENTORING A NEW EMPLOYEE [Training plan] ※ Identifying areas to work on *The first thing to do when making a training plan is to identify the areas in which the person needs to improve. Use expressions like these: We need to identify areas where there is room for improvement. A: Is there anything you're struggling with? B: I'm having a lot of problems meetin..
29일차. ~ 30일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 1 MENTORING A NEW EMPLOYEE [Mentorship] ~ [Professional development] [AMANI] Now, although I've had several years of experience in the company, my role is not to give you step-by-step instructions on how to be successful. [CARMEN] That'd be awesome! Thank you so much, Amani. [CARMEN] I'm so glad to have you here helping me. [CARMEN] OK, well, I have to..
28일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 4 GIVING ADVICE ABOUT OFFICE POLITICS [Office politics advice] Office Politics by Arthur Randolph / May 26 I'm at the end of my rope. I'm at a new job, and the office politics are awful! I don't know what to do. I actually like my coworkers and manager, but I'm just not fitting in. 2 Comments Doris Arthur, you've got to be tough. Play the game. You've g..
표현교정 중급 18. 87. It's so depressing. 88. It's definitely original. 89. It's very stressful. 90. It interests me very little. 91. That's fine with me. 92. It's been a pretty rough year. 93. It is not what it looks like. 94. It's not as bad as it looks. 95. It was devastating. 96. It's busy in here. 97. It wasn't as bad as I though it would be. 98. This is way too much. 99. That's kind of gross to ..
90호 55사이즈 95호 66사이즈 100호 77사이즈 105호 88사이즈 110호 99사이즈 [ 여성복 사이즈 조건표 ] 여자의 옷 사이즈 흠...치수로 알려드리기는 한정이 되어 있는거 같아요 왜냐하면 치수로는 도무지 잘 감이 안잡히니까 말이져 저는 오랜기간 장사를 하고 있어서 그 사이즈의 해당사항을 명확하게 알고 있긴 하지만 글로 설명이 될런지... 그래도 아는대로 상세히 알려드릴께요 ^^ 44사이즈는 키 150-158cm정도 55사이즈는 키 158-163cm정도 66사이즈는 키 163-169cm정도 77사이즈는 키 169cm-그 이상- 정확한 치수측정이 나오진 않았지만 제가 아는대로 대충 그정도로 표기할께요 44, 55, 66사이즈들의 옷의 총길이와 소매길이가 조금씩 사이즈에 따라서 길어지고 있는 ..
27일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 4 GIVING ADVICE ABOUT OFFICE POLITICS [Using metaphors] ※ Using metaphors in writing *A metaphor is a comparison of two things that, on the surface, don't seem related. Writers use metaphors to add emotion to their writing or to help people understand an abstract idea. You can't hide from office politics, so don't stick your head in the sand. If you res..