목록영어 관용어 (2)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
• Sales Momentum : 매출 성장동력 • pass something along (to someone) 1-transmit information - 프리 딕셔너리 -To deliver something to an intended recipient after having received it from someone else. A noun or pronoun can be used between "pass" and "along." - 프리 이디엄즈 -to give or hand something to someone. - 프리 이디엄즈 e.g.) "Please communicate this message to all employees". "pass along the good news" Can you p..
A: Have you done something different to yourself? [= You’ve changed the way you look, haven’t you?] B: You’re kind to notice. [= Thank you for noticing. / I appreciate that you’ve recognized that.] My hairstyle is a wee bit changed. [= I’ve made some small changes to my hair. / My hair is different.] A: That’s it! [= Exactly! / Right! / I knew it! / I see it now!]. It makes you look more sophist..