목록영어독해 (462)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
8개 국어 배우는 미국인 작가가 말하는 언어학습의 비결 최성운의 사고실험 [콜린 마샬] 2부• trial and error-the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful : 시행착오 e.g.) Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 아이들은 시행착오를 통해 컴퓨터 프로그램 사용을 배운다. *출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Fs_vS4yNk&list=PLVYGhqTLAsKjGozNUZdJG2mhwshWyntl3&index=11*링크: https://drive.g..
※ 유의어These words all refer to a situation when the amount, level or number of sth goes up.이 단어들은 모두 '어떤 것의 양이나 정도나 수가 늘어나는 상황'을 나타낸다. increase / growth / inflation / rise / gain / surge / hike / spiral / raise / upturn [함께 쓰이는 단어들]an increase/growth/inflation/a rise/a gain/a surge/a hike/a spiral/an upturn in sth어떤 것의 증가/증가/인플레이션/증가/증가/급증/급등/소용돌이/상승 to see an increase/growth/inflation/a rise/a ..
Arts & CultureSocrates Cafe Marks 17 Years of Thoughtful Conversations By Socrates Cafe Moderator August 11, 2024Since 2007, a diverse group of locals and foreigners has met in Seomyeon every Sunday morning to engage in deep and meaningful discussions. They gather with questions — about relationships, work, politics, society, love, death, and more — constantly probing and questioning the answers..
• dichotomy /daɪˈkɑːtəmi/ [usually singular] (formal) (plural dichotomies) -a division or contrast between two groups or things that are completely opposite to and different from each other : 주로 단수로 격식 (pl. -ies) 양분(兩分), 이분(二分) e.g.) dichotomy (between A and B) • dichotomize /daɪˈkɒtəˌmaɪz/ , /daɪˈkɑdəˌmaɪz/ -to divide or become divided into two parts or classifications - 콜린스 -intransitive verb..
• carry someone on one's back: ~를 등에 업다. 어부바하다. • piggyback /ˈpɪɡibæk/-a ride on somebody’s back, while they are walking: (등에) 업기[어부바], 목말 타기e.g.) Give me a piggyback, Daddy! 아빠, 나 어부바 해[목말 태워] 줘요!a piggyback ride 등에 업혀 다님[목말 타기] • piggyback /ˈpɪɡibæk/-on somebody's back, while they are walking: 등에 업혀서, 어부바해서, 목말를 타서e.g.)to ride piggyback 어부바를 하다[목말을 타다] *첨부: .
• put somebody's arms around somebody's shoulders: 어깨동무하다e.g.)put arms around each other's shoulders.He put his arms around my shoulders. Laughing friends with arms around each other's shoulders. • have somebody's arms around somebody's waist: 허리를 감싸다e.g.) What does it mean, someone has their arms around your waist? • have somebody's arms around somebody's shoulders: 어깨를 감싸다What does it mean, ..
• out of shape 1-not having the normal shape : (정상적인) 제 모양이 아닌[형태가 찌그러진] e.g.) The wheel had been twisted out of shape. 그 바퀴는 형체를 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 찌그러져 있었다. The bicycle had been battered out of shape. 2-(of a person) not in good physical condition = • in bad shape = • in poor shape : (사람이) 건강이 안 좋은[몸매가 엉망인] e.g.) I didn’t realize how out of shape I was! I am way too out of shape right now. I ne..
#담보 #저당 #근저당• collateral /kəˈlætərəl/ [uncountable] (finance) -property or something valuable that you promise to give to somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan. : U 금융. 담보물 • pledge /pledʒ/ 1-a serious promise SYNONYM commitment : (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약 e.g.) *pledge (of something) a pledge of support 지지[후원](하겠다는) 약속 *pledge to d..