목록영어독해 (463)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

Sweet Spot; '뉴요커' 작가가 한글로 '한국 요약 금지'라는 책을 쓴 이유 - 최성운의 사고실험 [콜린 마샬] 1부• sweet spot /ˈswiːt spɑːt/ 1-the area on a bat, racket or club that hits the ball in the most effective way : 스위트 스폿(배트로 공을 치기에 가장 효율적인 곳) e.g.) It's easier to hit the sweet spot on larger-faced golf clubs. 2-a location or combination of characteristics that produces the best results : 가장 좋은 결과를 생성하는 위치 또는 특성의 조합; 최적점 e.g.) Th..

8개 국어 배우는 미국인 작가가 말하는 언어학습의 비결 최성운의 사고실험 [콜린 마샬] 2부• trial and error-the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful : 시행착오 e.g.) Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 아이들은 시행착오를 통해 컴퓨터 프로그램 사용을 배운다. *출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Fs_vS4yNk&list=PLVYGhqTLAsKjGozNUZdJG2mhwshWyntl3&index=11*링크: https://drive.g..
※ 유의어These words all refer to a situation when the amount, level or number of sth goes up.이 단어들은 모두 '어떤 것의 양이나 정도나 수가 늘어나는 상황'을 나타낸다. increase / growth / inflation / rise / gain / surge / hike / spiral / raise / upturn [함께 쓰이는 단어들]an increase/growth/inflation/a rise/a gain/a surge/a hike/a spiral/an upturn in sth어떤 것의 증가/증가/인플레이션/증가/증가/급증/급등/소용돌이/상승 to see an increase/growth/inflation/a rise/a ..

Arts & CultureSocrates Cafe Marks 17 Years of Thoughtful Conversations By Socrates Cafe Moderator August 11, 2024Since 2007, a diverse group of locals and foreigners has met in Seomyeon every Sunday morning to engage in deep and meaningful discussions. They gather with questions — about relationships, work, politics, society, love, death, and more — constantly probing and questioning the answers..
• dichotomy /daɪˈkɑːtəmi/ [usually singular] (formal) (plural dichotomies) -a division or contrast between two groups or things that are completely opposite to and different from each other : 주로 단수로 격식 (pl. -ies) 양분(兩分), 이분(二分) e.g.) dichotomy (between A and B) • dichotomize /daɪˈkɒtəˌmaɪz/ , /daɪˈkɑdəˌmaɪz/ -to divide or become divided into two parts or classifications - 콜린스 -intransitive verb..
• carry someone on one's back: ~를 등에 업다. 어부바하다. • piggyback /ˈpɪɡibæk/-a ride on somebody’s back, while they are walking: (등에) 업기[어부바], 목말 타기e.g.) Give me a piggyback, Daddy! 아빠, 나 어부바 해[목말 태워] 줘요!a piggyback ride 등에 업혀 다님[목말 타기] • piggyback /ˈpɪɡibæk/-on somebody's back, while they are walking: 등에 업혀서, 어부바해서, 목말를 타서e.g.)to ride piggyback 어부바를 하다[목말을 타다] *첨부: .

• put somebody's arms around somebody's shoulders: 어깨동무하다e.g.)put arms around each other's shoulders.He put his arms around my shoulders. Laughing friends with arms around each other's shoulders. • have somebody's arms around somebody's waist: 허리를 감싸다e.g.) What does it mean, someone has their arms around your waist? • have somebody's arms around somebody's shoulders: 어깨를 감싸다What does it mean, ..

• out of shape 1-not having the normal shape : (정상적인) 제 모양이 아닌[형태가 찌그러진] e.g.) The wheel had been twisted out of shape. 그 바퀴는 형체를 알아볼 수 없을 정도로 찌그러져 있었다. The bicycle had been battered out of shape. 2-(of a person) not in good physical condition = • in bad shape = • in poor shape : (사람이) 건강이 안 좋은[몸매가 엉망인] e.g.) I didn’t realize how out of shape I was! I am way too out of shape right now. I ne..