목록영어문법 (596)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
※ How much의 의미 & ※ 형용사의 어순 What matters is not how much you say, but how much nice stuff you say. 중요한 것은 얼마나 많이 말하느냐가 아니라, 얼마나 좋은 말을 하느냐이다. 1. How much는 정확히는 "얼마나 많은" 이지만, 우리 일상에서는 "얼마나"로 통용된다. 2. [how much nice stuff] you say. 원래의 어순은 "you say [how much nice stuff]" 이다. you say [how much nice stuff=say의 목적어구]. 【how much (and 탈락) nice】 stuff: "【의문부사+형용사(한정사)1+형용사2】+명사"로 구성되었습니다. 3. 형용사가 -왼쪽에서 오른..
※ 명사+동격 that절 1. 동사형이 목적어를 that절로 받는 명사 • advice (←advise that) • agreement (←agree that) • belief (←believe that) • claim (←claim that) • conclusion (←conclude that) • decision(←decide that) • feeling(←feel that) • hope (←hope that) • promise (←promise that) • threat (←threat that) • warning (←warn that) • doubt (←doubt that) e.g.) It is my firm belief that mental disorders have supernatural en..
※ 다음과 같은 경우, 명사 뒤에 to-V 부정사나, that절을 수반할 수 있다. ▶동격관계를 나타내는 to-V 부정사나 that절 ▶서수, 최상급 등을 포함한 선행사 뒤에 to-V 부정사나 that절 1. 명사+to-V 부정사 '명사+to-V 부정사'에서 to-V 부정사는 목적, 의무, 필요, 부연 설명(동격)을 나타내는 역할을 한다. e.g.) We arranged a meeting to discuss the proposed recreation center. (목적) I have packages to send. (의무) (1) 동격 to-V 부정사의 수식을 받는 명사. (이 명사들의 동사형 혹은 형용사형이 to-V 부정사를 취함) • ability (←be able to-V) • attempt (←..
• Since then, and by 시점: 그때 이래로 그리고 ~까지. e.g.) But the ratio has grown since then, and by next year is expected to reach 118 percent. 그러나 그 이후로 비율이 증가했으며 내년에는 118%에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 출처: www.nytimes.com/2012/02/15/business/global/portugals-debt-efforts-may-be-a-warning-for-greece.html
※ “주장·요구·명령·제안/권유·충고” 동사 S V (that) S V”동사원형” ~~~ 주장: insist, urge 요구: request, require, demand, ask, 명령: order, command 제안/권유: suggest, propose, move([transitive] (formal) to suggest something formally so that it can be discussed and decided), recommend 충고: advise
• draw the line (at something/at doing something) -to refuse to do something; to set a limit : ~을 (하기를) 거부하다; 한도를 정하다[선을 긋다] e.g.) I don't mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself. 난 돕는 건 꺼리지 않는다. 하지만 모든 일을 다 내가 하는 것은 거부한다. We would have liked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the line somewhere. 우리가 친척들을 모두 초대하고 싶었지만 어느 정도 한도를 정해야 하는 법이다. -------------------..
※ recommend / advise / advocate / urge These words all mean to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation. • recommend to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation; to say what you think the price or level of something should be: e.g.) We’d recommend you to book your flight early. a recommended price of $50 • advise to tell somebody what you..
※ quick / quickly / fast • quickly는 quick의 부사형으로 흔히 쓰이는 단어이다: e.g.) I quickly realized that I was on the wrong train. 나는 내가 기차를 잘못 탔다는 것을 곧 깨달았다. My heart started to beat more quickly. 내 심장이 더 빠르게 뛰기 시작했다. • 대단히 비격식적인 쓰임에서, 특히 감탄사처럼 쓰일 때에는 quick도 가끔 부사로 쓰인다: e.g.) Come on! Quick! They’ll see us! 어서! 빨리 해! 그들이 우리를 보겠어! • 부사로서의 quicker는 더 자주 쓰인다: e.g.) My heart started to beat much quicker. 내 심장이 ..
※ fast / quick / rapid These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns: • Fast is used especially to describe a person or thing that moves or is able to move at great speed. • Quick is more often used to describe something that is done in a short time or without delay. • Rapid, Swift and Speedy are more formal words. • Rapid is most commonly used to describe the speed at which some..
5 measurement of time: a day's journey The 's structure (or the plural with s') is often used to say how long things last. a day's journey twenty minutes' delay Noun + noun structures are also possible in expressions with numbers (▶ 125.3). a three-hour journey a twenty-minute delay Ref) 딥코쌤 카페. 1) a ninety-day tourist visa 2) a ninety days' tourist visa 모두 문법적으로는 가능하지만 비자와 관련된 실제 용례에선 'The over..