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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)


영어문법 595

[ChatGPT] stretch 용법

@Some ideas are just plain tough to sell—those that are too far ahead of the audience’s current understanding, for instance, or too much of a stretch beyond the organization’s norms   사람들을 설득하기에 아주 어려운 아이디어들이 있다. 예를 들면 제안을 듣는 이들의 현재 이해 수준을 지나치게 앞서 있거나 아니면 조직 규범에서 한참 벗어나 있는 경우다 Ref) ■ "Stretch"의 의미와 사용 맥락 *일반적 의미: "Stretch"는 기본적으로 "늘리다" 또는 "확장하다"를 뜻하지만, 관용적으로는 "무리한 시도", "도전", 또는 **"현재 수준에서 벗어난 것"..

비즈니스 영어 - Pitch

"Pitch" (noun) -A sales talk or argument, especially one intended to persuade. : 판매나 설득을 위한 설명 또는 주장 아이디어나 제안을 설명하고 설득하는 시도 비즈니스에서 투자자나 고객을 대상으로 아이디어를 제안하거나, 상품·서비스를 설명하면서 구매 또는 동의를 이끌어내는 메시지나 프레젠테이션. 현대적인 비즈니스 문맥에서 "pitch"는 설득이나 제안을 의미하는 실무적이고 널리 사용되는 용어입니다. 이는 특정 분야에서 자주 쓰이는 전문 용어로, 영어권에서 이미 자리 잡은 비유적 표현이라고 볼 수 있습니다. *비즈니스 문맥 e.g.) • Elevator Pitch : 투자자나 고객을 설득하기 위해 짧은 시간(엘리베이터를 타는 시간 동안) 동안 ..

[오픽노잼] #뭐라고 얘기해야 될까? (feat. How can I describe this to you?)

■ 뇌정지 왔을 때 가만히 있을래? 뭐라도 말할래? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHAHy7eK05M)#뭐라고 얘기해야 될까? Level 1. How can I explain this?= How can I say this?= How can I describe this to you?...Level 2.What am I trying to say (here)?= What am I talking about (here)?자기가 설명하고 있는 상태에서 본인이 깔끔하게 설명하지 못한다고 느끼고 있을 때, 설명이 좀 개뿔같다.'내가 지금 무슨 말을 하고 있지?' 하면서, "다시 한번 해볼게." 와 같은 뉘앙스. ...Level 3. All right, that was way too con..

영어/OPIc 오픽 2025.01.14

[유의어] reason / explanation* / grounds / basis / excuse / motive / need* / justification / cause* / pretext

Synonyms• reason • explanation* • grounds • basis • excuse • motive • justification • pretextThese are all words for a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done.   • reason a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done; a fact that makes it right or fair to do something:e.g.) He said no but he didn’t give a reason. • e..

[표현] @ + 이 시간에, 이 시간 즈음에, 이 시간쯤, 이맘 때: at this time + @

• @ + 이 시간에, 이 시간 즈음에, 이 시간쯤, 이맘 때: at this time + @ 내일 이 시간 즈음에: at this time tomorrow 다음 달 이 시간쯤: at this time next month 내년 이맘 때: at this time next year 2035년 이맘 때: at this time in 2035 내년 이맘 때: at this time next year 다음 달 이맘 때: at this time next month e.g.) What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? 너 내일 이 시간에 뭐 하고 있을 거니? --> I will be eating lunch at this time tomorrow.   What do you thi..

#개처발린 적이 있나요?

#개처발린 적이 있나요? 1. 캐주얼한 표현 (조금 더 일반적이고 상황에 따라 덜 강한 뉘앙스) "Have you ever been utterly defeated?"    (당신은 완전히 패배한 적이 있나요?) "Have you ever been completely crushed?   (당신은 철저히 무너진 적이 있나요?) 2. 격식 없는, 더 강한 뉘앙스의 표현 (좀 더 거칠고 직설적인 느낌) "Have you ever been totally destroyed?"   (당신은 완전히 망한 적이 있나요?) "Have you ever been wrecked?"    (당신은 개처발린 적이 있나요?) 3. 강한 과장 (농담 섞인 표현) "I got obliterated by my boss this morni..

[표현] #buy in (feat. Get the Boss to Buy in)

#buy in • buy something ↔ in -(British English) to buy something in large quantities : ~을 대량으로 사들이다 • buy-in /ˈbaɪ ɪn/ [uncountable] (business) -the fact of accepting a policy or change because you agree with it : U 상업 (조건 등을) 받아들임, 승인 e.g.)  If you want to make major changes you need buy-in from everyone in the organization.    중대한 변화를 가져오려면 조직 구성원 모두가 받아들여야 한다. You need to win people’s buy-in...
