목록토익스피킹 (146)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
Expressways and Highways: 고속 도로와 자동차 전용 도로 1. cut through: 가로질러 가다 예전에는 출근을 하려면 도심을 가로질러 가야 했다. In the past, I had to cut through the downtown area to get to work. 2. go over the speed limit: 과속하다 일부 차량들이 과속을 하는 경우가 간혹 있다. Some cars sometimes go over the speed limit. 3. drive home: 실감하게 하다 그러한 동물들을 보면 생태 통로가 왜 필요한지 실감하게 된다. Seeing those animals drives home why the eco bridges are needed. 4. the ..
● free Adverb (also "free of charge") 1-without payment - 옥스포드 e.g.) Children under five travel free. We will send you our booklet free of charge. Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *verbs • become *adverb • absolutely, completely, entirely *phrases • for free | • free of charge *preposition • for ● free Adjective 3-costing nothing - 옥스포드 : 무료의 *free to somebody *free for somebody *for free e..
• come under something | fall under something [no passive] 1-to be included in a particular group : (특정 집단 속에) 포함되다[들어가다]; …으로 분류되다, …의 항목에 들다. e.g.) What heading does this come under? 이것은 어떤 제목 아래 들어가나요? 2-to be a person that others are attacking or criticizing : (공격·비난을) 받게 되다; [비판·공격·영향 등을] 받다 e.g.) The head teacher came under a lot of criticism from the parents. 교장이 학부형들로부터 많은 비난을 받게 되었다. co..
자가 영어실력 평가. 출처: https://www.languagelevel.com/english/index.php
# 근무일 / 근무주 / 달력일 / 달력주 / 근무 일수로 몇일 / 달력 일수로 몇일 표현 • working day [=work day] • calendar day • working week [=work week] • calendar day • seven working days: 근무 일수로 7일 • seven calendar days: 달력 일수로 7일
"That's how I am" sounds more like you're explaining your behavior. How you act in general. I am a nice person. That's HOW I am. "That's who I am" sounds more like you're explaining what kind of person you are. e.g.) I am a person who would help no matter the situation. That's WHO I am.
• sights and sounds Ref) Q. what does the expression "sights and sounds" mean to you, please? A-1. The experience of a place. The vibrations of the smells, colores, sounds, feelings, the total combined package that your senses provide you with when you enter a new environment. *take in the sights and sounds. 출처: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4QhxsV1gx1wJ:https://uk.answer..
♣ @(시간) late: @(시간) 늦은 / 늦게 【학습정보-Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English】 [형용사·부사]로 late이(가) 사용될 때 *Phrases • an hour, ten minutes, etc. ~ | leave it rather, very, etc. ~ e.g.) The train was 45 minutes late. (옥스포드) You've left it rather late to start your homework, haven't you? (옥스포드) Bill finally rolled up two hours late. (옥스포드) 빌은 마침내 두 시간이나 늦게 모습을 드러냈다. The train arrived at th..
#시간 표현 방법: @시간 반. • one and a half hours - ★ formal • one hour and a half. • an hour and a half. - informal. • two and a half hours - ★ formal • two hours and a half.
• a race against time/the clock Noun.. -a situation in which you have to do something or finish something very fast before it is too late - 옥스포드 -a situation in which something has to be done very quickly - 캠브릿지 -An attempt to accomplish something in a short amount of time. - 프리 -a rush; a rush to beat a deadline. We were in a race against time to beat the deadline. - 프리 -a situation in which so..