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목록drop-dead (1)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
drop dead | drop-dead
• drop-dead Adverb -used before an adjective to emphasize that somebody/something is attractive in a way that is very easy to notice 1-(형용사 앞에서 강조의 의미로 쓰임) 넋을 쏙 빼 놓을 정도로, (가슴을) 덜컥하게 하여, 놀랄 만하게. e.g.) a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star: 넋을 쏙 빼 놓을 정도로 멋진 할리우드 스타 Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *Drop-dead is used with these adjectives: • gorgeous • drop-dead Adjective 1-astonishment, or envy..
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2021. 6. 19. 22:32