목록전체 글 (1568)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
52일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Emails] ※ Emails • emoticon /ɪˈməʊtɪkɑːn/ an image used in electronic communication to express an emotion e.g.) He chose a smiley face emoticon to show he was happy with the result. • Cc and Bcc /ˈsiː siː ænd ˈbiː siː/ different ways to send emails to people: Cc means a 'carbon copy' of the email is sent to someone;..
51일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [An online meeting] A. Great, so let's get started. Point number one is new hires. C. Yes. So, the company is looking for his replacement. C. I will. So, just to recap, please welcome our new designers.
50일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Conducting an online meeting] [JANET] So I'll just jump into it. [JANET] Uh, no, Tom. Based on team needs, these are going to be permanent hires. • hire 2-[countable] (especially North American English) a person who has recently been given a job by a company : C 특히 美 (회사의) 신입 사원 e.g.) New hires get raises after ..
49일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Opening an online meeting] [JANET] Who's on your end? [JANET] We have a short agenda today – just an update on the software project and a brief announcement. ※ Opening an online meeting *When you kick off an online meeting, you might need to clarify who is attending it. Good afternoon. Who's on your end? Good mo..
48일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Online meetings] ※ Online meetings Here are some words and phrases you might hear in an online meeting. Note that mike is a short form for microphone. You may also see the short form mic, which is pronounced the same as mike. There's a 15-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Shanghai. We had some problem..
회사와 연계하여 제공하는 EF 온라인 영어강좌를 수강 중, 독해지문에서 아래 문장분석에 대해 질의드립니다. [질문] 요컨대, 아래 문장 that~ 이하 절은 가장 앞의 문장의 가주어 It에 대한 진주어 that절인가요? It wasn’t until five years ago, when I was hired by a new company and ended up in a management training course, that things began to change for me. [제가 파악한 문장분석] It wasn’t until five years ago, / when I was hired by a new company and ended up in a management training course,..
On Aug. 15, 2015, North Koreans put their clocks back half an hour to establish their own time zone, “Pyongyang time.” Less than three years later, the country put their clocks forward half an hour so they are again in the same time zone as South Korea. --BBC, May 4, 2018 -- 2015년 8월 15일, 북한은 시간을 30분 늦추어 그들만의 시간대인 "평양 시간"을 표준시로 정했다. 표준시 변경 후 3년이 채 되기도 전, 북한은 한국과의 표준시를 맞추기 위해 또 다시 시간을 30분 앞당겼다. (..
# 시간차 Time difference: 시차 jet lag: [U] 시차증(비행기를 이용한 장거리 여행시 시차로 인한 피로감) (정식으로는 jet lag syndrome) get jet lag: 시차증에 걸리다
46일차.~47일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 4. DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Developing leadership qualities] ~ [Developing leadership qualities] What makes a successful leader is hard to define. Take me, for example. Most of my adult life I was more of a follower than a leader. I’ve always had a hard time persuading others and I lack most of the characteristics that we associate with a stron..
영어 회화의 결정적 표현들. 표현교정 중급 23 95. Don't make it a bigger deal than it is. 96. Don't pretend you don't know. 97. Don't bite my head off. • bite/snap somebody’s head off -(informal) to shout at somebody in an angry way, especially without reason : (특히 아무 이유 없이) ~에게 악을 쓰다[마구 화를 내다] 98. Don't make a career of it. 그거 습관되면 안 된다. 99. Don't make this into something that it isn't.: 사실도 아닌걸 사실처럼 만들지마 100. Do..