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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)


영어 493

• go through the roof: 1-(물가 등)이 치솟다[급등하다]/2-화가 머리끝까지 치밀다.

• go through the roof 1-to rise to a very high level: - 캠브릿지 -: to rise to a very high level - 메리엄 웹스터 -If the level of something such as the price of a product or the rate of inflation goes through the roof, it suddenly increases very rapidly indeed. - 콜린스 -if the level of something such as the price of a product goes through the roof, it suddenly increases very rapidly - 콜린스 -to increase beyon..

영단어, 숙어 공부. 2023-11-25

• zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtɡaɪst/ [singular] (from German, formal) -the general mood or quality of a particular period of history, as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc. common at the time SYNONYM spirit (6) : sing. 독어에서, 격식 시대정신 • spirit 6- [singular] the typical or most important quality or mood of something : (전형적인·가장 중요한 특질을 나타내는) 정신 *spirit of something The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/ti..

• rage farming

• rage farming -the tactic of intentionally provoking political opponents, typically by posting inflammatory content on social media, in order to elicit angry responses and thus high engagement or widespread exposure for the original poster. : 화가 난 반응을 이끌어내고 원본 포스터에 대한 높은 참여도나 광범위한 노출을 유도하기 위해 일반적으로 소셜 미디어에 선동적인 콘텐츠를 게시하여 정치적 반대자를 의도적으로 자극하는 전술입니다. 이는 잘못된 정보나 극단적이고 공격적인 의견을 포함하기도 하며, 정치적인 이념에 호소..

(2023-11-04) Have you ever faced with rage-farming_R1

On TikTok, creators farm rage to get clicks and make money. But it can be a fast race to the bottom. • 'Rage-baiting' has been an effective way to grow engagement since the days of pundit cable news. • On TikTok, creators say it's been on a steady rise because it's the most effective way to go viral. • Creators feel pressure to rage-bait to get ahead, but it creates hostility online. For about a..

(2023-11-04) ※ 영단어·숙어

※ 영단어·숙어 • pundit /ˈpʌndɪt/ 1-a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public SYNONYM. expert : 전문가, 권위자 e.g.) Political pundits agree that the government has scored a major victory. Football pundit Ron Atkinson has resigned from his TV job. I'd rather watch the soccer than listen to a bunch of TV pundits arguing about it. The financial gains to be made..

Presidential Spouse Political Participation 조사 내용

• I believe that presidential spouses should have the opportunity to be involved in political matters. They can bring valuable perspectives and support their partners in making important decisions. • Michelle Obama's "Let's Move Campaign" is an example of successful participation in important causes. Michelle Obama's Let's Move Campaign aimed to tackle childhood obesity and promote healthier lif..

※ "as well as"의 역할

*출처: 영문법, 딥코쌤에게 묻기 무단 복제·전재·재배포 금지 ※ "as well as"의 역할 1. "In addition to" 의 의미 (일종의 구전치사, 또는 a subordinating conjunction로 보기도 함) ; • Running is healthy as well as making you feel good. • He broke the window as well as destroying the wall. • She draws as well as designing clothes. When we put a verb after as well as, we usually use an 'ing form'. • As well as verbally abusing his wife, he hit her..

[영작] 국회 의원 3대 특권 중 면책 특권, 불체포 특권

그들이 가지고 있는 특권은 약해질 수 있을 것이다, 국회 의원의 수가 많아지고, 그 특권의 영향이 분배됨으로써. 하지만, 그들이 가지고 있는 특유한/고유한 특권은 약해지지 않을 것이다. 예를 들면, 면책 특권, 불체포 특권 Their privileges may be weakened, (= The privileges they have may be weakened,) as the number of members of the National Assembly increases and the influence of those privileges is distributed. However, their own peculiar privileges will not be weakened. For example, the l..

제2공화국/10월 유신 체재/면책 특권/국회의원 면책 특권/외교관의 면책 특권 (feat. 집단 면역)

• 제2공화국 -제2공화국 (1960년 - 1961년)에서 민의원(하원)과 참의원(상원)을 두어 양원제를 실시했었는데, 실효성이 낮아 단원제로 전환되었다. : The Second Republic of Korea • 10월 유신 체재 : October Restoration • Restoration 4-the Restoration [singular] the time in Britain after 1660 when, following a period with no king or queen, Charles II became king : sing. (the Restoration) 왕정복고 시대(영국의 찰스 2세가 왕위를 되찾은 1660년 이후 기간) e.g.) Restoration comedy/poetry (= ..
