목록66일 습관의 법칙/03: EF 온라인 영어 (92)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
54일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Writing effective emails] First, make a list using bullet points , like this:
53일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Effective emails] ※ Writing effective emails *Here are some standard expressions you can use in formal or work-related emails: I am writing with regard to … I'm Cc-ing Tom on this, as he will be in the meeting. Please find attached this month's report. I'm forwarding the email I received from the client. Please don'..

52일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 2. WRITING AN EFFECTIVE EMAIL - [Emails] ※ Emails • emoticon /ɪˈməʊtɪkɑːn/ an image used in electronic communication to express an emotion e.g.) He chose a smiley face emoticon to show he was happy with the result. • Cc and Bcc /ˈsiː siː ænd ˈbiː siː/ different ways to send emails to people: Cc means a 'carbon copy' of the email is sent to someone;..

51일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [An online meeting] A. Great, so let's get started. Point number one is new hires. C. Yes. So, the company is looking for his replacement. C. I will. So, just to recap, please welcome our new designers.

50일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Conducting an online meeting] [JANET] So I'll just jump into it. [JANET] Uh, no, Tom. Based on team needs, these are going to be permanent hires. • hire 2-[countable] (especially North American English) a person who has recently been given a job by a company : C 특히 美 (회사의) 신입 사원 e.g.) New hires get raises after ..
49일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Opening an online meeting] [JANET] Who's on your end? [JANET] We have a short agenda today – just an update on the software project and a brief announcement. ※ Opening an online meeting *When you kick off an online meeting, you might need to clarify who is attending it. Good afternoon. Who's on your end? Good mo..
48일차. ♣ Unit 4. Business communication - LESSON 1. FACILITATING AN ONLINE MEETING - [Online meetings] ※ Online meetings Here are some words and phrases you might hear in an online meeting. Note that mike is a short form for microphone. You may also see the short form mic, which is pronounced the same as mike. There's a 15-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Shanghai. We had some problem..
46일차.~47일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 4. DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Developing leadership qualities] ~ [Developing leadership qualities] What makes a successful leader is hard to define. Take me, for example. Most of my adult life I was more of a follower than a leader. I’ve always had a hard time persuading others and I lack most of the characteristics that we associate with a stron..
45일차. ♣ LESSON 4. DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Focusing on a point] In terms of leadership itself ... The essence of leadership ... What makes a successful leader ... My one lesson I'll give you today. One of the things you should learn ... One of the things I like is ... ※ Focusing on a point *Focusing on a point is a good strategy for emphasizing something or building anticipation in you..
44일차. ♣ Unit 3. Leadership - LESSON 4. DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP QUALITIES - [Review: reflexive pronouns] ※ Review: reflexive pronouns *Use reflexive pronouns when the person or thing that does the action and receives the action is the same. Form reflexive pronouns by adding the suffixes -self or -selves to the pronoun. He persuaded himself to trust them. The leaders convinced themselves of the need..