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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)


영숙어 484

33일차. 2023-12-16. 스픽 - AI 튜터

🗣 스픽 🗣 📝 This test is an abbreviation for Advanced Data Analytics Semi-Professional. That's what people usually call it. When I was studying for the ADSP, I gained fundamental knowledge about data, big data, and artificial intelligence, and learned which formulas and activations are applied in these mechanisms.*설명을 간결하게 정리해 주고, 불필요하게 반복되는 말을 빼서 훨씬 자연스럽고 이해하기 쉬운 문장으로 만들었어요. "abbreviation word ..

32일차. 2023-12-15. 스픽 - AI 튜터

🗣 스픽 🗣 📝 Since two weeks ago, my wife has been showing a very abnormal symptom with her balance.*"his" 대신에 "her"를 써야 해요. "keeping balance"는 "balance"로 간단하게 말하는 게 더 자연스럽습니다. 📝 Of course, but before taking her to the doctor, I asked her to describe what she was feeling. She said that when she wakes up, everything seems to be spinning around her and she experiences quite severe dizziness.*"all ..

Why watch the whole movie when you can watch recaps?

Why watch the whole movie when you can watch recaps?By Song Seung-hyun / Published : Nov. 28, 2022 - 14:24관련 기사: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20221127000150&ACE_SEARCH=1 A growing number of YouTubers who create recap videos summarizing mostly movies and dramas are enjoying popularity among viewers who appreciate their convenience. YouTuber Go Mong Tube, who started his channel back in..

• guilty 용법

• guilty -캠브릿지 사전: If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done something wrong. : 꼭 큰 잘못이나 죄를 진게 아니어도 마음에 걸리는 일, 후회나 미안한 마음을 표현할 때 e.g.) 사전에 나온 예문: I feel so guilty about forgetting your birthday. *I feel guilty.  마음에 걸려, 잘못했다고 생각해, 미안하다고 생각해. I feel guilty for lying to her. I feel guilty for skipping class. I feel guilty for skipping my workout. A: I feel a little guilty sitting up here wi..

#자개 #나전칠기

#자개 #나전칠기• Mother of Pearl Lacquerware= • najeonchilgi: 나전칠기  • Mother of pearl  /ˌmʌð.ɚ.əvˈpɝːl/= • nacre /ˈneɪ.kər/-a smooth, hard substance forming a layer inside the shells of some sea creatures. It is white but also seems to shine with different colours, and is used to make buttons and for decoration. - 캠브릿지-Mother of Pearl, also called nacre, is a naturally occurring material that is found..

#장 #창자 #과민성 대장 증후군

#장 #창자• internal organs: 내장• small intestine / intéstin / : 소장• large intestine: 대장• intestine /ɪnˈtestɪn/: 주로 복수로. 사람 장, 창자 • entrails /ˈentreɪlz/[plural]-the organs inside the body of a person or an animal, especially their intestinesSYNONYM innards, inside: pl. (사람·동물의) 내장 cf)• tripe /traɪp/[uncountable]1-the lining of a cow’s or pig’s stomach, eaten as food: 소 내장, 돼지 내장: 양 (음식 재료로 쓰이는, 소·돼지의..

#반죽 #요리 #Food preparation

#반죽 #요리 #Food preparation• knead • dice • slice • peel  • chop • roll out  • knead /niːd/1-to press and stretch dough, wet clay, etc. with your hands to make it ready to use: 타동사 (반죽·찰흙 등을) 이기다[치대다]; 반죽하다e.g.) *knead somethingAdd the water and knead the mixture well. 2-to rub and press muscles, etc. especially to relax them or to make them less painful: 타동사 (근육을 마사지하듯) 주무르다e.g.) *knead something..

31일차. 2023-12-15. 스픽 - AI 튜터

🗣 스픽 🗣 🤖 Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, has been popular since around 2015. Bitcoin was actually introduced in 2009. Is there something specific you'd like to know about it? 📝 No, but I'd like to share an anecdote about my recent conversation with my supervisor. He posed a question about prioritizing investments in certain scenarios. There were five options: first, cash or savings accounts; secon..


• nasty /ˈnæsti/ (comparative nastier, superlative nastiest) 1-very bad or unpleasant : (아주 나빠서) 끔찍한, 형편없는 e.g.) He had a nasty accident. 끔찍한 사고 The news gave me a nasty shock. 그 소식은 내게 끔찍한 충격을 주었다. I got a nasty surprise when I opened the door and saw who was there. I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me. 나는 그가 나를 따라올 거라는 끔찍한 기분이 들었다. This coffee has a nasty taste. 이 커피는 맛이 형편없다 Don't bu..
