목록토스 (77)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#용법: look at or preposition + somebody/something + in/with 감정 관련 명사. *to look / watch / view / observe / regard (somebody / something) + in / with amazement / surprise / disapproval / dismay, etc. : (~을) 놀라서 / 놀라서 / 못마땅해하며 / 경악하며 보다[주시하다] e.g.) He looked at her in dismay. 그가 경악하며 그녀를 쳐다보았다.
• leave a lot, much, something, etc. to be desired -to be bad or unacceptable : 유감스러운 점이 많다, 많다, 있다 등 e.g.) The service in the restaurant left a lot to be desired. It leaves much to be desired It leaves something to be desired
• pick up the slack | take up the slack 1-to provide or do something that is missing or not getting done - 메리엄 웹스터 -To take up the slack or pick up the slack means to do or provide something that another person or organization is no longer doing or providing. - 콜린스 -To do an extra amount of work that someone else is unable or unwilling to do. - 프리 -to improve a situation by doing something that ..
• come under something | fall under something [no passive] 1-to be included in a particular group : (특정 집단 속에) 포함되다[들어가다]; …으로 분류되다, …의 항목에 들다. e.g.) What heading does this come under? 이것은 어떤 제목 아래 들어가나요? 2-to be a person that others are attacking or criticizing : (공격·비난을) 받게 되다; [비판·공격·영향 등을] 받다 e.g.) The head teacher came under a lot of criticism from the parents. 교장이 학부형들로부터 많은 비난을 받게 되었다. co..
#시간 표현 방법: @시간 반. • one and a half hours - ★ formal • one hour and a half. • an hour and a half. - informal. • two and a half hours - ★ formal • two hours and a half.
• a race against time/the clock Noun.. -a situation in which you have to do something or finish something very fast before it is too late - 옥스포드 -a situation in which something has to be done very quickly - 캠브릿지 -An attempt to accomplish something in a short amount of time. - 프리 -a rush; a rush to beat a deadline. We were in a race against time to beat the deadline. - 프리 -a situation in which so..
# 시간 부사. • presently 1-(especially North American English) at the time you are speaking or writing; now =currently : (주로 미) 현재, 지금 e.g.) The crime is presently being investigated by the police. These are the courses presently available. 2-used to show that something happened after a short time In this meaning presently usually comes at the beginning of a sentence. : 곧, 이내 이런 뜻일 때에는 presently가 보통..
※ How much의 의미 & ※ 형용사의 어순 What matters is not how much you say, but how much nice stuff you say. 중요한 것은 얼마나 많이 말하느냐가 아니라, 얼마나 좋은 말을 하느냐이다. 1. How much는 정확히는 "얼마나 많은" 이지만, 우리 일상에서는 "얼마나"로 통용된다. 2. [how much nice stuff] you say. 원래의 어순은 "you say [how much nice stuff]" 이다. you say [how much nice stuff=say의 목적어구]. 【how much (and 탈락) nice】 stuff: "【의문부사+형용사(한정사)1+형용사2】+명사"로 구성되었습니다. 3. 형용사가 -왼쪽에서 오른..
※ 명사+동격 that절 1. 동사형이 목적어를 that절로 받는 명사 • advice (←advise that) • agreement (←agree that) • belief (←believe that) • claim (←claim that) • conclusion (←conclude that) • decision(←decide that) • feeling(←feel that) • hope (←hope that) • promise (←promise that) • threat (←threat that) • warning (←warn that) • doubt (←doubt that) e.g.) It is my firm belief that mental disorders have supernatural en..
# 눈곱 【참고】 눈곱이 끼다/눈꼽을 떼다 • have discharge in one's eyes.: 눈곱이 끼다. • have sleep in one's eyes.: 눈곱이 끼다. • have sand in one's eye.: 눈곱이 끼다. -눈곱이 끼었을 때 의학적으로는 You have discharge in your eyes.라고 표현. -일반적으로 아침에 일어났을 때 눈곱이 낀 것은 I have sleep in my eyes.라고 한다. -어린 아이들은 I have sand in my eyes.라고 말하기도 하는데 이것은 아이들이 눈을 감고 잘 때 sandman(잠의 귀신)이 와서 깊이 잠들 수 있게 눈에 요술의 모래를 뿌린다고 믿었기 때문이다. ↔ • take the sleep out of o..