관리 메뉴

태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발

37일차. 2023-12-20. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문

66일 습관의 법칙/07: 스픽 1)

37일차. 2023-12-20. 스픽 - AI 튜터

태뽕이 2024. 6. 2. 00:00

🤖: I understand that "no kids" zones are becoming more common. What specific issue has recently become more prominent?


📝: So actually, regarding the no senior zone, it's a specific area where seniors are not allowed to enter. It looks like a normal cafe, but it has a no kids and no seniors zone tag, meaning no seniors can come in.

*말을 간결하고 명확하게 해서 이해하기 쉽게 만들었어요. 반복된 내용과 불필요한 말들을 줄이고, 핵심만 남겨서 전달했어요.


🤖: I understand now. It seems like the cafe has a policy to exclude both seniors and kids. Is there a specific reason for this policy?


📝: Yeah, of course. There are two perspectives. One is the owner's, meaning the individual owner of the restaurant or cafe. The other perspective is that of the common customers, including kids and seniors. From the owner's point of view, they have to focus on their main job, like making dishes and preparing beverages. Additionally, they have to ensure the kids' safety.

: 더 간결하게 표현하고 불필요한 반복을 줄였어요. “there are two perspectives”라고 말하면 두 가지 관점을 말하는 게 분명해져요. 그리고 “owner of the restaurant or cafe”라고 하면 “restaurant, cafe, and etc”보다 더 명확해요.


📝: No, no, I mean ensuring the safety of children in the cafe is a minor responsibility for the owner. It is very hard to juggle the main tasks of running the cafe and the safety of children.

*원래 말은 길고 복잡했는데, 수정된 말은 더 간단하고 명확해요. 주요 업무와 어린이 안전을 동시에 처리하는 게 어렵다는 것을 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있어요.


📝: Some cafe owners have decided not to accept customers with kids, so they only allow adults. Similarly, the concept of a "no seniors zone" is the same as a "no kids zone."

*문장을 짧게 나눠서 더 이해하기 쉽게 만들었고, 반복되는 부분을 없애서 더 자연스럽게 들려요.


🤖: I understand now. Some cafe owners restrict entry to adults only to avoid managing children, and a "no senior zone" follows a similar concept.


📝: Yep, that's right. Some seniors can be a little rude to young people. For example, in Korea, there's honorific language, so regardless of age, people should use it with each other. However, sometimes older people unilaterally use plain or rude language with young people.

*더 간결하게 표현하고 반복을 줄였어요. 불필요한 “you know”를 제거해서 문장이 더 깔끔해졌고, “aged” 대신 “age”를 사용해서 자연스럽게 바꿨어요.


🤖: It can be challenging when older individuals don't use respectful language towards younger people, creating a negative atmosphere.


📝: On top of that, some seniors at the swimming pool can't control when they need to go to the bathroom, so they end up urinating in the pool, which contaminates the water.

*더 간결하고 자연스럽게 말하려면 불필요한 반복을 피하고, 주제를 명확하게 전달해야 해요.


🤖: It's important to maintain cleanliness in swimming pools to ensure a safe environment for everyone.


📝: You know, pee contains many germs and bacteria, so it's very unhygienic. Some entertainment facility owners have decided not to accept senior customers because of this.

*불필요한 반복을 줄이고 문장을 간결하게 만들면 더 이해하기 쉬워요. 또, 주어와 동사를 명확히 해서 전체적인 문장이 더 자연스러워요.


🤖: I understand that concerns about hygiene and cleanliness have led some entertainment facility owners not to accommodate senior customers. It's important to prioritize the health and safety of all customers.


📝: But the thing is, I think, for me, this phenomenon of a no-senior zone feels like another form of discrimination.

*"as for me" 대신 "for me"가 더 자연스럽고, "no senior job"를 "no-senior zone"으로 바꾸면 문맥에 더 잘 맞아요. 그리고 "comes to me as another discriminating" 대신 "feels like another form of discrimination"으로 표현하면 더 명확해요.


🤖: It's essential to find solutions that promote inclusivity and respect for all.



(2024-06-01) 스픽.docx


