태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
34일차. 2023-12-17. 스픽 - AI 튜터 본문
📝: Now, I'd like to talk about time efficiency. According to Trend Korea 2024, a public periodical, people are really obsessed with being time-efficient these days.
*"the"는 여기서 불필요해요. 그리고 "books"라는 단어 대신 "Trend Korea 2024" 뒤에 정확한 형태인 "a public periodical"을 사용하는 게 더 명확해요. "time efficiency"라는 표현도 "being time-efficient"로 바꾸면 더 자연스러워요.
📝: Actually, the underlying reason behind this phenomenon might be that people want to spend their time on topics they're interested in. For example, it could be related to Korean traits or characteristics. Koreans often fear feeling like a fish out of water during conversations. For instance, I don't know about the drama called 'Glory,' but if I were to join a group where everyone else knows about it, I wouldn't understand their discussions about a particular protagonist or hero. This type of situation can make Koreans feel anxious, thinking 'Am I the only one who doesn't know about this? Am I ignorant in this subject?'
*여러분이 말하려는 걸 좀 더 명확하게 전달하기 위해, 문장을 간결하게 하고 중요한 포인트만 강조하는 것이 좋아요. 그리고 긴 문장은 쉼표나 접속사로 적절히 나눠서 이해하기 쉽게 만들어 주세요.
📝: Yes, of course. People, especially Koreans, always want to stay up-to-date on any issues, trends, or topical events. Actually, there are two kinds of people who seek time efficiency. The first group is always busy with work or their daily lives and have a jam-packed schedule during the workweek. That's why, if they have free time, they like to spend it wisely and efficiently. The second group, even though they have enough time to hang out or play with devices such as the PlayStation, Netflix, or other OTT services, do not want to spend a large amount of time watching an entire movie or a full drama episode.
*설명을 간결하게 하고 중복되는 단어를 빼서 더 명확하게 표현했어요. 그리고 문법적으로 'people who seek for time efficiency' 대신 'people who seek time efficiency'라고 하는 게 맞고, 'a chunk amount of time' 대신 'a large amount of time'이 자연스러워요.
📝: Yes, that's right. Limited free time and the desire to optimize leisure activities are driving factors for seeking time efficiency. According to research, the common denominator in both cases—whether people are busy or have enough leisure time—is the desire to consume various types of content as much and as quickly as possible.
*문장이 너무 길고 조금 복잡해요. "maybe"와 "just" 같은 말은 불필요하고, "the former and the latter"보다는 예시를 명확하게 하는 편이 이해하기 쉬워요. "Two kinds of people"라고 말하는 대신, 그 두 경우를 직접 설명하면 더 명확하겠죠.
🤖: That makes sense. People want to make the most of their time by consuming various content and staying well-informed.
📝: You hit the nail on the head. That's correct feedback from you. People have the perception that we are a bit obsessed with staying up to date or well informed. However, we don't always need to be.
*"Hit the nail on the head"라는 표현을 쓸 때는 "You"를 앞에 붙여서 완전한 문장을 만드는 게 자연스럽고, "a little bit" 대신 "a bit"이 더 간결하고 흔히 쓰입니다. "Actually" 보다는 "However"가 전반적인 맥락에 더 적합하고, "do not every time"은 "don't always"로 바꾸면 더 일반적인 영어 표현이 됩니다.
🤖: Balance is key. It's important to find a middle ground between staying informed and managing time effectively. Would you like some tips on achieving this balance?
📝: For example, if you want to fully appreciate a particular artwork, movie, or drama, you need to watch it from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, you might only understand a small part of it, like the tip of an iceberg if I may use that metaphor.
*예를 들 때 'sometimes'는 여기에 필요 없고, 'piece of iceberg' 대신 'tip of an iceberg'가 정확한 표현이에요. 또한 문장을 좀 더 자연스럽고 명확하게 만들기 위해 약간의 단어를 추가하고 재배열했어요.
📝 By the way, what do you think about YouTubers who provide recap services for movies or dramas? You know, summarized versions of movies or dramas are very good for busy people.
*"Recap services" 대신에 "recap services for"라고 사용하면 좀 더 자연스럽고, "recapitalized"라는 단어는 잘못 사용되었어요. "summarized"라는 표현이 옳습니다.
📝 Yes. However, despite the YouTubers' intentions, it's true that they inevitably spoil parts of the story or the ending, which can ruin the movie experience.
*"unavoidably" 대신에 "inevitably"을 쓰면 더 자연스럽고 "spoil the part of the story"는 "parts of the story"로 바꿔서 말이 더 흐르게 해요. "So it would be spoiling the movies, I guess"는 불필요하게 어색해요. "which can ruin the movie experience"로 끝내면 주장이 더 완전하고 명확해집니다.
📝: Of course, in some video clips of our recap, the YouTuber mentions that the content is authorized by the original creator. This is because the creator requested promotion for their movie or drama. So, the YouTuber is providing the recap video as part of that advertisement. However, in other cases, it's not appropriate for YouTubers to create recap content without permission or approval from the original filmmakers or producers.
*핵심 내용만 간결하게 전달하는 게 중요해요. 복잡한 문장보단 단순하고 명확한 문장을 써보세요. 그리고 반복되는 부분은 빼고, 꼭 필요한 정보만 포함시키는 것이 좋아요.
📝: Wow, tell me about it. It's true that it's important for YouTubers to have the permission of the original creators when making recap videos to ensure legitimacy and authorization.
*"makers" 대신에 "creators"를 사용하면 더 자연스러워요. 그리고 "video contents"는 보통 "videos"로 줄여서 말하고, "recap"은 대문자가 아니라 소문자로 써야 하며, "legitimacy and authorization"은 "or"로 연결하지 않고 "and"로 연결하는 것이 더 매끄러워요.
🤖: Obtaining permission from the original creators is crucial to ensure the legitimacy and integrity of recap video content. It protects their rights as well.
📝: Speaking of integrity, this issue is also related to copyright, isn't it?
*'Patent'는 발명품 같은 기술적인 것에 관한 권리를 말해요, 여기서는 'copyright'가 올바른 단어에요. 또한, 질문할 때 'Am I right?'보다는 'isn't it?'를 쓰는 게 더 자연스럽습니다.
📝: I couldn't agree more. Besides, the trend of recap video content seems unavoidable, doesn't it? So, we need to be well-informed about which content to watch as recaps from YouTubers and which to watch in full, whether it's movies or entire drama series.
*문장이 너무 길고 복잡해요. 간결하고 명확하게 바꾸면 더 좋은 표현이 됩니다. "more than this"는 불필요하고, "vogue"보다 "trend"가 더 자연스러워요. "at this moment"는 "now"로 대체하면 더 간단하고, "what should what should we do" 부분은 중복되니까 한 번만 사용하세요.
📝: The idea of a complete experience really strikes me as significant.
*"striking"이란 단어는 형용사로 '눈에 띄는', '인상적인'이란 뜻인데, 여기서는 "strikes me"라는 표현을 사용해서 "저에게 인상적으로 다가온다"는 의미로 쓰는 게 더 자연스러워요.
🤖: Yes, a complete experience allows you fully to immerse yourself in the storyline and appreciate the artistry of movies and dramas.
📝: Yes, speaking of which, when I was quite young, I mean, when I was a university student, I watched a movie in a theater alone, without any friends. That's when I experienced a lot of emotions, mixed emotions, and then the unique sentiment of that movie. So I think this resonates with what you said about a complete experience. I might have immersed myself in that movie. I might've. I might've.
*"youngster"는 주로 어린 아이들을 가리킬 때 쓰는 말이에요. 대학생을 말할 때는 "young"이 더 적합하죠. 그리고 "might've have" 대신 "might have"나 "might've"를 사용해야 해요. "Might've"는 "might have"의 줄인 말이라 "have"를 두 번 쓸 필요가 없어요.
🤖: It sounds like you had a powerful and immersive experience watching the movie by yourself. That can certainly enhance the emotions and connection you feel with the story.
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