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영어단어 428

22일차.~23일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Team-building strategies] ~ [Infinitives]

22일차.~23일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Team-building strategies] ~ [Infinitives] ※ Infinitives *Form infinitives with to + the base form of the verb; for example, to make. Use them in a variety of structures to explain a function or purpose. For example, you can use a noun and an infinitive: It's a good idea to identify each person's skills. *You can als..

21일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Describing ways to achieve a goal]

21일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Describing ways to achieve a goal] ※ Describing ways to achieve a goal *Use words like way, method, strategy, approach and technique to describe ways to achieve a goal. Notice that these words all have roughly the same meaning. One way to build an effective team is to allow members to brainstorm project ideas. The best me..

21일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Describing ways to achieve a goal]

21일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Describing ways to achieve a goal] ※ Describing ways to achieve a goal *Use words like way, method, strategy, approach and technique to describe ways to achieve a goal. Notice that these words all have roughly the same meaning. One way to build an effective team is to allow members to brainstorm project ideas. The best me..

20일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 3 BUILDING AN EFFECTIVE TEAM - [Teamwork]

[WOMAN] Yeah. Yeah, you have to have principles. You have to have a mission statement. I think that, you know, and everybody should know what they are and should make a commitment to follow those, uh, basic principles. • mission statement /ˈmɪʃn steɪtmənt/ -an official statement of the aims of a company or an organization : (기업·조직의) 강령 e.g.) The newly formed company needed a mission statement. T..

19일차. ♣ Group Class

Your voice is so tiny. • engaging /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒɪŋ/ -interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention : 호감이 가는, 매력적인 e.g.) an engaging smile 매력적인 미소 Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *Engaging is used with these nouns: personality, read, smile 1. good = nice, decent, pleasant, kind 2. difficult = tough, hard, challenging 3. strange = weird, bizarre, odd, eccentric /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ 4. int..

17일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 2 EXPLAINING YOUR COMPANY'S STRUCTURE - [Supporting an opinion]

Supporting someone's opinion When you're discussing something, the person you're talking with will use different phrases to state their opinions and seek agreement. There are a number of ways you can agree with them. Have a look at these examples. A: It goes without saying that our company is too top-heavy. B: I know exactly what you mean. A: You and I both know that we have to restructure the c..

16일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 2 EXPLAINING YOUR COMPANY'S STRUCTURE - [Proposing management strategies]

Use expressions with be, need or say to make proposals that you feel very strongly or confident about. Mutual trust is a key element. I say we require that departments communicate more frequently. Use expressions like these to make proposals more tentatively: What if we carry out an analysis? I'd like to analyze the internal and external threats first. You can use expressions with propose and su..

15일차. ♣ Unit 2. Corporate culture - LESSON 2 EXPLAINING YOUR COMPANY'S STRUCTURE - [Company structure]

[SICILY] The budgeting plan was quite effective last month. [JIM] I couldn't agree more. Is there anything left on the agenda? [SICILY] It's apparent the current hierarchy is the problem with communication and needs to be flattened. [SICILY] Just look at the facts. [SICILY] You and I both know the company is top-heavy. • top-heavy 1-too heavy at the top and therefore likely to fall : 상부가 너무 무거운 ..
