목록자기계발 (981)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
#담보 #저당 #근저당• collateral /kəˈlætərəl/ [uncountable] (finance) -property or something valuable that you promise to give to somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan. : U 금융. 담보물 • pledge /pledʒ/ 1-a serious promise SYNONYM commitment : (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약 e.g.) *pledge (of something) a pledge of support 지지[후원](하겠다는) 약속 *pledge to d..

#burst on #burst onto • burst on something • burst onto something : 혜성처럼[불쑥] 나타나다 -to appear somewhere suddenly in a way that attracts a lot of attention e.g.) A major new talent has burst onto the literary scene. 문학계에 대단한 새 인재가 혜성처럼 나타난 것이다. • burst onto the scene 1-To emerge or appear suddenly. - 프리 Fig. to appear suddenly in a location. - 프리 e.g.) As soon as the boys started shoving each..

Frustrated South Koreans Blame President in Standoff With Doctors A walkout by physicians has dragged on for weeks, as they protest a plan by President Yoon Suk Yeol’s government to increase medical school enrollment. Medical workers outside a hospital in Seoul in March.Credit...Anthony Wallace/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesBy Jin Yu Young Reporting from Seoul May 1, 2024 Eun Sung injured h..

• ELDs; End-of-life decisions -End-of-life decisions (ELDs) are choices made about care and life-sustaining measures for people with terminal illnesses or other end-stage conditions. When making these decisions, it's important to consider the person's values and wishes, as well as their comfort and dignity. You should also consider the emotional and financial impact on loved ones. *출처: 구글 크롬 Se..

*첨부: .

#윈도우 캡처 도구에서 형광펜 미세 팁 #형광펜 팁 1. 윈도우 캡처 도구는 Win + Shift + S 를 눌러서 바로 윈도우 캡처 도구로 들어 갈 수 있습니다. 팁 2. 편집 모드에서 형광펜으로 줄긋기를 많이 하는데, 자 메뉴를 이용하면 바르게 긋기가 가능합니다. 팁 3. 자 위에서 마우스 휠을 굴리면 각도 조절도 가능팁 3. 자 위에서 마우스 휠을 굴리면 각도 조절도 가능 *출처: https://www.clien.net/service/board/lecture/18177560.

Do College Majors Matter in the Real World? The Declining Value of College DegreesThe converging trends of a competitive labor market, ballooning university tuitions, new online learning alternatives, and fast-changing job roles has created a tipping point in the perceived value of college degrees. The Burning Glass Institute recently reported that the percentage of jobs requiring a college degr..
• laissez-faire /ˌleɪ.seɪˈfeər/ -the policy of allowing private businesses to develop without government control -Laissez-faire is a more extensive form of free-market economy where the role of the state is limited to protecting property rights and enforcing contracts. Some consider laissez-faire capitalism and voluntary socialism to be examples of a free market. - 구글 크롬 Search Labs | AI : U 불어..

birch white (feat. 누리끼리, 노리끼리, 누르스름, 노르스름)*출처: https://web.croket.co.kr/seller/product/61f93395e1a2733e4a78b49bhttps://readveneersltd.co.uk/timber-spotlight-ash-and-birch/.