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【영어과외】【취직·이직 멘토링】【커리어 컨설팅(경력개발)


영어/영어 용법·표현 232

• Amicable divorce: 합의 이혼, 협의 이혼/• Amicable Farewell ≒ • Amicable parting: 좋은 이별/• amicable settlement: 원만한 해굘

• amicable /ˈæmɪkəbl/ -done or achieved in a polite or friendly way and without arguing : 우호적인, 원만한 e.g.)  an amicable relationship.    우호적인 관계 An amicable settlement was reached.   원만한 해결이 이뤄졌다. In spite of their disagreement they parted on amicable terms. It was an amicable divorce. The government and the union managed to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute. Ref) [Oxford Collocations D..

• look out for somebody (feat. • harbour, • cover)

• look out for somebody-to take care of somebody and make sure nothing bad happens to them: (~에게 나쁜 일이 생기지 않도록) ~를 보살피다  cf)• look out for somebody/something1-to try to avoid something bad happening or doing something bad=SYNONYM watch out: (나쁜 일이 생기거나 나쁜 일을 하지 않도록) ~을 조심하다[~에 주의하다]e.g.)You should look out for pickpockets.                                                  소매치기들을 조심해야 한다.Do look o..

#전성기 #황금기 (feat. 그때가 좋았지)

#전성기 #황금기 (feat. 그때가 좋았지) • golden age : 주로 단수로 (특히 과거의) 황금기[전성기] e.g.)  the golden age of cinema    영화관의 황금기 = • glory days /ˈɡlɔːri deɪz/ [plural] -a time in the past which people look back on as being better than the present : (과거의) 영광스럽던 날들[좋았던 시절] e.g.)  The last time they won the Cup was back in the glory days of 1989. = • hey day /ˈheɪdeɪ/ [usually singular] -the time when somebody/someth..

[유의어] rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable

rich / wealthy / prosperous / affluent / well off / comfortable These words all describe somebody/something that has a lot of money, property or valuable possessions.   • rich (of a person) having a lot of money, property or valuable possessions; (of a country or city) producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard  • wealthy rich 【rich or wealthy?】There is no r..

#휘둘리다 #팔랑귀 #미온적인 #우유부단

#휘둘리다 #팔랑귀 #미온적인 #우유부단 • be at the Noun of something/doing something : ~ Noun에 노출되다; ~ Noun의 영향권에 들어가다 • be at the the risk of something/doing something : ~할 위험에 처하다. • be at the mercy of something/doing someting : ~ 자비에 노출 되다; ~ 자비의 영향권에 들어가다; "~에 휘둘리다." e.g.)  @I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions!    나는 내 감정에 휘둘리고 싶지 않아! Ref) • at the mercy of somebody/something-not able to stop som..

chemotherapy: 화학요법 (feat. 송전선, 송전탑)

• chemotherapy /ˌkiːməʊˈθerəpi/ (also informal chemo) [uncountable] -the treatment of disease, especially cancer, with the use of chemical substances : U (특히 암에 대한) 화학 요법 : 화학요법(chemotherapy)은 특정 질환의 치료를 위해 화학물질을 사용하는 행위와 그때 사용되는 약물 전체를 총칭한다. 그러나 현대에서 화학요법이란 단어는 주로 암의 치료를 위한 화학물질과 그 사용 방법을 말한다. 종양학적 용도 외에도 화학요법은 파울 에를리히의 에르페나민과 뒤이어 도마크가 개발한 설폰아미드계 항생물질과 플레밍이 발견한 페니실린 등의 항생물질(항균요법)을 의미하기도 한다. 이러한..

#(나이)대 초/중/후반

#(나이)대 초/중/후반• ~(나이 10단위)대: be in one’ ~s• ~(나이)대 초반: be in one’s early ~s• ~(나이)대 중반: be in one’s mid ~s• ~(나이)대 후반: be in one’s late ~s예시) 20대: be in one’s 20s20대 초반: be in one’s early 20s20대 중반: be in one’s mid 20s20대 후반: be in one’s late 20s 예문)I’m in my early 20s.He is in his mid 20s.She is in her late 20s  대화) A: How old is he?A: 그는 몇 살이에요? B: I have no ideaB: 잘 모르겠어요 A: Hmm, Is he in his ..

• sights and sounds: (눈에 보이는) 광경[모습]과 (귀에 들리는) 소리

• sights and sounds: (눈에 보이는) 광경[모습]과 (귀에 들리는) 소리 *take in the sights and sounds. Ref)  Q. What does the expression "sights and sounds" mean to you, please? A-1. The experience of a place. The vibrations of the smells, colores, sounds, feelings, the total combined package that your senses provide you with when you enter a new environment. A-2. Sounds = things you hear Sights = things you see Ref..

glance (feat. 곁눈질, 훔쳐보다)

#곁눈질 • glance /ɡlæns/ -a quick look : 흘낏[휙] 봄 e.g.) *glance (at somebody/something)  to take/have a glance at the newspaper headlines   신문 제목들을 휙 보다 a cursory/brief/casual/furtive glance   대충/잠깐/무심히/몰래 흘낏 봄 The sisters exchanged glances (= looked at each other).   그 자매들은 힐끗 눈길을 주고받았다. He walked away without a backward glance.   그는 뒤도 한 번 안 돌아보고 걸어가 버렸다. *steal a glance She stole a glance (= look..
