목록영어문법 (598)
태뽕이의 자기계발 & 경력개발
• except conjunction -used before you mention something that makes a statement not completely true SYNONYM. apart from the fact that : …라는 점만 제외하면, …라는 것 외에는 *except (that)… e.g.) I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money. 난 내가 그 돈이 필요하다는 것 외에는 그에게 아무 말도 안 했다. Our dresses were the same except mine was red. 우리 드레스는 내 것이 빨간색이라는 점만 빼면 똑같았다. • except preposition (also except for) -us..
• see [intransitive, transitive] 9-(not usually used in the progressive tenses) to understand something : [보통 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 알다, 이해하다 *see something *see (that)… *see what, why, etc… e.g.) ‘It opens like this.’ ‘Oh, I see.’ “이건 이렇게 열려.” “아, 알겠어.” He didn't see the joke. 그는 그것을 농담으로 알지[이해하지] 않았다. I don't think she saw the point of the story. 내 생각에는 그녀가 그 이야기의 요점을 이해하지 못한 것 같다. He changed the way ..
*Cut one’s losses: 손실을 줄이다. (손을 떼어) 손해를 막다 e.g.) Mike: I thought you were working on a new advertising campaign. What happened? Kyle: I was, but it was too expensive and not producing enough results, so we decided to cut our losses. 1. I was, but it was too expensive and not producing enough results, so we decided to cut our losses. 그러고 있었는데 그 캠페인이 너무 비싸고 성과가 없어서 손을 떼기로 했어. 2. It is far better t..
*Pull (something) off / Pull off (something): (어려운 일을) 해내다, 성사시키다 = Bring (something) off / Bring off (something) e.g.) Daniel: I heard Tom was meeting some people from Ander Corp to strike a deal. Do you think he will pull it off? Mr. Jordan: I have full confidence in his abilities. 1. Do you think he will pull it off? 그가 해낼 것이라고 생각하세요? 2. You will need full cooperation of your team members to ..
• drop-dead Adverb -used before an adjective to emphasize that somebody/something is attractive in a way that is very easy to notice 1-(형용사 앞에서 강조의 의미로 쓰임) 넋을 쏙 빼 놓을 정도로, (가슴을) 덜컥하게 하여, 놀랄 만하게. e.g.) a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star: 넋을 쏙 빼 놓을 정도로 멋진 할리우드 스타 Ref) [Oxford Collocations Dictionary] *Drop-dead is used with these adjectives: • gorgeous • drop-dead Adjective 1-astonishment, or envy..
• get to somebody -(informal) to annoy or affect somebody : ~를 괴롭히다, ~에게 영향을 미치다 : 'Get to you'라는 말은, 누군가를 화나거나 짜증 나게 만든다는 뜻이에요. 따라서, 누군가 'Don't let them get to you'라고 말을 하는 것은, 'Don't let them bother you. (걔네들 때문에 화내지 마.)'라는 뜻이랍니다. e.g.) The pressure of work is beginning to get to him. 업무 부담이 그를 괴롭히기 시작하고 있다. A: My teacher is so bossy. B: Hey, don't let her get to you. A: 우리 선생님은 너무 권위적이야. B: 그..
★13.12.19 수업내용정리★ ■ 오늘의 오픽 전략 8번 전에 식당 관련문제 안 나오면 아무데나 써먹을 수 있다 여가 놀러갔을때 일상 여행갔을때 등 만능답변으로 활용! 먹는것 관련 문제는 안나와도 나오는것과 같음 Technology 문제는 매우중요!! 요즘 hot issue 이므로 반드시 나오는 문제라고 생각하고 철저히 준비해서 시험장으로 GOGO! ■ 오늘의 발음 팁 called vs cold - 커얼ㄷ vs 코올드 korea K-rea - 크뤼아 korean K-rean career 크뤼어r - carrier 캐뤼어r - courier 커리어r clean - 클리-인n fansy - f앤씨 foods f-읃ㅈ noodles - 누를즈 basic - 베이직으로 발음하지말고 베이식 often vs op..
• dish something ↔ out 1-to serve food onto plates for a meal - 옥스포드 -to give or serve food to people: - 캠브릿지 -If you dish out food, you serve it to people at the beginning of each course of a meal. - 콜린스 -To distribute prepared food, especially using a utensil to serve it onto or into individual dishes. A noun or pronoun can be used between "dish" and "out." - 프리 -Lit. to serve up food to peopl..
• worth [not before noun] used like a preposition, followed by a noun, pronoun or number, or by the -ing form of a verb [명사 앞에는 안 씀] 전치사처럼 쓰여 그 뒤에 명사, 대명사, 수사, Ving형이 옴 1-having a value in money, etc. : (금전 등의 면에서) …의 가치가 있는[되는] *worth something e.g.) Our house is worth about £100 000. 우리 집은 약 10만 파운드의 가치가 있다. How much is this painting worth? 이 그림은 가치가 얼마나 되나요? to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune ..
• A taste of one's own medicine -This phrase means that you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others. So when you give someone a taste of their own medicine, you are giving that person the same bad treatment that they have given to others. You get “a taste of your own medicine” when you “taste” what it really feels like for someone else to have you act towards them the way you do. : ‘A ta..